1.基本信息 李鹏民,男,1979年1月生,山东省龙口市人,教授,硕士生导师。2002年7月于山东农业大学农学专业
3. 开设课程
1. Li P, Cheng L (2009) The elevated anthocyanin level in the shaded peel of ‘Anjou’ pear does not alter its thermotolerance in the dark, but enhances its tolerance to high temperature under high light. Plant Science, 177: 418-426.
2. Li PM, Cheng L, Jiang CD, Strasser RJ, Gao HY, Peng T (2009) Heterogeneous behavior of PSII in soybean (Glycine max) leaves with identical PSII photochemistry efficiency under different high temperature treatments. Journal of Plant Physiology, 166: 1607-1615.
3. Li PM, Cheng L, Peng T, Gao HY (2009) CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence in green and red Bereris thunbergii leaves measured with different quality irradiation. Photosynthetica, 47: 11-18.
4. Chen LS, Li P (co-first author), Cheng L (2009) Comparison of thermotolerance of sun-exposed peel and shaded peel of ‘Fuji’ apple. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 66: 110-116.
5. Li P, Castagnoli S, Cheng L (2008) Red ‘Anjou’ pear has a higher photoprotective capacity than green ‘Anjou’. Physiologia Plantarum, 134: 486-498.
6. Li P, Cheng L (2008) The shaded side of apple fruit becomes more sensitive to high light damage with fruit development. Physiologia Plantarum, 134: 282-292.
7. Chen LS, Li P (co-first author), Cheng L (2008) Effects of high temperature coupled with high light on the balance between photooxidation and photoprotection in the sun-exposed peel of apple. Planta, 228: 745-756.
8. Chen HX, Li PM (co-first author), Gao HY (2007) Alleviation of photoinhibition by calcium supplement in salt-treated Rumex leaves. Physiologia Plantarum, 129: 386-396.
9. Li PM, Cai RG, Gao HY, Peng T, Wang ZL (2007) Partitioning of excitation energy in two wheat cultivars with different grain protein contents grown under three nitrogen applications in the field. Physiologia Plantarum, 129: 822-829.
10. Li PM, Fang P, Wang WB, Gao HY, Peng T (2007) The higher resistance to chilling stress in adaxial side of Rumex leaves is accompanied with higher photochemical and non-photochemical quenching. Photosynthetica, 45: 496-502.
11. Jiang CD, Li PM, Gao HY, Zou Q, Jiang GM, Li LH (2005) Enhanced photoprotection at the early stages of leaf expansion in field-grown soybean plants. Plant Science, 168: 911-919.
12 彭涛,姚广,高辉远,李鹏民,王未未,孙山,赵世杰(2009)植物叶片和冠层光化学反射指数与叶黄素循环的关系。生态学报,29:1987-1993
13 许珍,李鹏民,高辉远,董树亭,王空军,张吉旺 (2007)玉米不同朝向叶片原初光化学反应日变化的差异。作物学报,33: 1375-1379
14 孙山,李鹏民,刘庆忠,高辉远(2007)高冠蓝莓光合作用对若干环境因子的响应。园艺学报,34:67-70
15 盛瑞艳,李鹏民,薛国希,赵新西,高辉远(2006)氯化胆碱对低温弱光下黄瓜幼苗叶片细胞膜和光合机构的保护作用。植物生理与分子生物学学报,32:87-93
16 彭涛,李鹏民,贾裕娇,高辉远 (2006)介绍两种无损伤测定植物活体叶片色素含量的方法。植物生理学通讯,42:83-86
17 吴锡冬,代金明,孙宁,李鹏民,高辉远(2006)乙烯诱导衰老过程中大豆叶片快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学和光化学特征。天津师范大学学报(自然科学版),26:27-31
18 吴锡冬,李子芳,张乃华,李鹏民,高辉远(2006)外源脱落酸对盐胁迫玉米激发能分配和渗透调节的影响。农业环境科学学报,25:312-316
19 李鹏民,高辉远,邹琦,王滔,刘永(2005)5种国兰(Cymbidium)的光合特性。园艺学报,32:151-154
20 李鹏民,高辉远,Strasser RJ(2005)快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学分析在光合作用研究中的应用。植物生理与分子生物学学报,31:559-566
21 薛国希,高辉远,李鹏民,邹琦(2004)低温下壳聚糖处理对黄瓜幼苗生理生化特性的影响。植物生理与分子生物学学报,30:441-448
5. 联系方式
通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学园艺院
Email: pengmin_li@yahoo.com.cn
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