一、 个人简介 吕家珑,男,1962年9月生于甘肃山丹;现为西北农林科技大学资源环境学院教授(三级岗),博士
一、 个人简介
二、 工作学习简历
1999.12—今 教授 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院
1996.7—1999.11 副教授 西北农业大学资源环境系
1992.12—1996.6 讲师 西北农业大学资源环境系
1984.7—1992.11 助教 西北农业大学土壤农化系
2006.10—2006.10 访问学者 美国马萨诸塞大学
2000.10—2001.10 博士后 英国农业研究所(洛桑实验站)洛桑国际(RI)项目
1993.9—1996.7 博士研究生毕业获博士学位 西北农业大学
1987.9—1990.7 硕士研究生毕业获硕士学位 西北农业大学
1980.9—1984.7 大学本科毕业 获学士学位西北农学院
三、 研究领域或方向
四、 主要学术论文
S Fortune, J Lu, TM Addiscott and PC Brookes. Assessment of Phosphorus Leaching Losses from Arable Land. Plant and Soil, 2005, 269(1-2):99-108 (SCI)
Xilong Wang, Jialong Lu, Minggang Xu and Baoshan Xing. Sorption of Pyrene by Regular and Nanoscaled Metal Oxide Particles:Influence of Adsorbed Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology, August 26, 2008(SCI)
Yin Yunfeng, Cai Zucong and Lu Jialong. Relationship between light and heavy fractions of organic matter for several agricultural soils in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005,17(6):917-920. (SCI)
Lü Jialong,Dong Linxiao, Zhang Yiping et al. Effect of Phosphate on Zinc Transport in Lou Soil. Pedosphere, 1998, 8(4):355-360.
Lü Jialong,Zhang Yiping and Ma Zhigang. Kinetic Equations for Describing Phosphorus Transport. Pedosphere, 2001,11(2):189-192(SCI)
J Lu. Characteristics of Phosphorous Components in Drainage Water. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2003,71(5):952-960.(SCI)
Lü Jialong, S Fortune and P Brookes. Characteristics of phosphorus fractions in drainage water discharged from Broadbalk Experiment. Pedosphere, 2004,14(2):235-240.(SCI)
Wang Xing, Lü Jialong,Zhang Yiping. Pyrolysis Characteristics and Thermal Kinetics of Degradable Films. Pedosphere, 2007,17(5):654-659.(SCI)
H. Zhang, J. Lu , S. Zhao:Responding of soil microorganism under vegetational succession in Ziwuling Forest. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China,2009,3(4):421-427(SCI)
Chunhua Liang, Fangbai Li,Chengshuai Liu, Jialong Lu and Xugang Wang:Enhancement of adsorption and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 by doping rare earth ions for the tretment of orange I. Dyes and pigments. 2008,76:477-484. (SCI)
五、 联系方式
E-mail: ljlll@nwsuaf.edu.cn 或 jialongluw@yahoo.com.cn
Tel(Fax): ************
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