姓名 樊济宇 性别
姓名 | 樊济宇 | |
性别 | 男 | |
职称 | 副教授 | |
学历/学位 | 博士 | |
导师类别 | 硕导 | |
所在学院 | 理学院 | |
专业 | 凝聚态物理 | |
研究方向 | 磁性物理和自旋电子学 | |
科研情况 |
一直从事磁性物理的研究。目前主要的研究兴趣是, (1)钙钛矿锰氧化物中的电磁耦合作用; (2)金属和半金属薄膜材料中的自旋霍尔效应; (3)石墨烯材料中自旋电子输运; (4)2D-纳米材料的中的物理性质。 特别欢迎对凝聚态实验物理感兴趣的同学,加入到本人的研究队伍中。 |
主要科研成果 |
1. Jiyu Fan, Yan Zhu, Lei Zhang, Wei Tong, Yangguang Shi, Dazhi Hu,Li Pi, Yuheng Zhang Observation of field driven-metamagnetic behavior and thermomagnetic irreversibility in SrRu0.8Fe0.2O3 Modern Physics Letters B 27, No. 4 (2013) 1350027 2. Lei Zhang, Wei Tong, Jiyu Fan, Changjin Zhang, Li Pi and Yuheng Zhang ESR study of the orbitally induced Peierls phase transition in polycrystalline CuIr2S4 Physica B 411, 136 (2013) 3. Jiyu Fan, Langsheng Ling,Wei Tong, Lei Zhang, Yan Zhu, Dazhi Hu,Li Pi, Yuheng Zhang Electron paramagnetic resonance studies on manganite Pr0.5Sr0.5Mn1−xGaxO3 (x = 0 and 0.05) Appl. Phys. A, DOI 10.1007/s00339-012-7413-5 (2012) 4. Jiyu Fan, Wei Tong, Lei Zhang, Yangguang Shi, Yan Zhu,Dazhi Hu,Li Pi, Yuheng Zhang Spin–lattice correlations in Pr0.55Sr0.45MnO3 studied by electron paramagnetic resonance Phys. Status Solidi B 249, 1634 (2012) 5. Lei Zhang, Bosen Wang, Yuping Sun, Peng Tong, Jiyu Fan, Li Pi and Yuheng Zhang, Critical behavior in the antiperovskite ferromagnet AlCMn3 Phys. Rev. B 85, 104419(2012) 6. Lei Zhang, Jiyu Fan,Wei Tong, Langsheng Ling, Li Pi and Yuheng Zhang Scaling of the magnetic entropy change in spinel selenide CuCr2Se4 Physica B 407, 3543 (2012) 7. Yangguang Shi, C. C. Hu, Jiyu Fan, Daning Shi, L. Y. Lv and Shaolong Tang Synthesis and magnetostrictive properties of Pr(Fe1.95B0.05)1.93 bulk nanocrystalline alloy Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 192405 (2012) 8. Tongfang Zheng, Yangguang Shi, Jiyu Fan, Daning Shi, Shaolong Tang and Youwei Du Magnetocaloric effect and transition order of Mn5Ge3 ribbons J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, 4102 (2012) 9. Jiyu Fan, Li Pi, Lei Zhang, Wei Tong, Bo Hong, Yangguang Shi, Yuheng Zhang Investigation of critical behavior in Pr0.55Sr0.45MnO3 by using the field dependence of magnetic entropy change Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 072508 (2011) 10. Jiyu Fan, Li Pi, Lei Zhang, Wei Tong, Bo Hong, Yangguang Shi, Yuheng Zhang Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of perovskite manganite Pr0.55Sr0.45MnO3 Physica B 405, 524 (2011) 11. Jiyu Fan, Sicheng Liao, Wenqin Wang, Lei Zhang, Wei Tong, Langsheng Ling, Bo Hong,Yangguang Shi,Yan Zhu,Dazhi Hu, Li Pi, and Yuheng Zhang Suppression of ferromagnetism and metal-like conductivity in Fe-doped SrRuO3 J. Appl. Phys. 110, 043907(2011) 12. Jiyu Fan, J. M. Michalik, L. Casado, S. Roddaro, M. R. Ibarra, J. M. De Teresa Investigation of the influence on graphene by using electron-beam- and photo-lithography Solid State Communication 150, 1574(2011) 13. S. Sangiao, N. Marcano, Jiyu Fan, L. Morellon, M. R. Ibarra and J. M. De Teresa Quantitative analysis of the weak anti-localization effect in ultra-thin bismuth films Europhys. Lett. 95, 37002(2011) 14. Lei Zhang, Wei Tong, Jiyu Fan, Changjin Zhang, Renwen Li, and Yuheng Zhang ESR study of the ferrimagnetic spinel selenide CuCr2Se4 Eur. Phys. J. B 83, 325(2011) 15. Lei Zhang, langsheng Ling, Jiyu Fan, Zhe Qu, Yuheng Zhang Transport and magnetic properties of the CuIr2-xAlxS4 system Solid State Communication 151, 887 (2011) 16. Jiyu Fan, Langsheng Ling, Bo Hong, Lei Zhang, Li Pi and Yuheng Zhang Critical properties of the perovskite manganite La0.1Nd0.6Sr0.3MnO3 Phys. Rev. B 81, 144426 (2010) 17. Jiyu Fan, Bo Hong, Lei Zhang, Yangguang Shi, Wei Tong, Li Pi,Yuheng Zhang Heisenberg-like ferromagnetism and percolative conductivity in the half-doped manganite Nd0.5Ca0.25Sr0.25MnO3 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 322, 3692 (2010) 18. Jiyu Fan, Bo Hong, Li Pi and Yuheng Zhang Investigation of charge order manganites Nd0.5Ca0.5Mn0.95 A0.025B0.025O3 (A=Ti/Ru; B=Cr/Ga) Physica B 405, 524 (2010) 19. Jiyu Fan, Bo Hong, Di Lu, Yangguang Shi, Lei Zhang, Li Pi,Yuheng Zhang Magnetocaloric effect of half-doped manganite Nd0.5Ca0.25Sr0.25MnO3 Physica B 405, 3120 (2010) 20. Lei Zhang, Jiyu Fan, Li Li, Renwen Li, Wei Tong, Li Pi,Yuheng Zhang Critical properties of 3D-Heisenberg ferromagnetic CdCr2Se4 Europhys. Lett. 91, 57001(2010) 21. Lei Zhang, Li Li, Jiyu Fan, langsheng Ling, Wei Tong, Yuheng Zhang Spin-lattice coupling studied by magnetic entropy and EPR in the CdCr2S4 system Solid State Communication 150, 2109 (2010) 22. Yangguang Shi, Shaolong Tang, and Jiyu Fan Magnetic and magnetostrictive properties in high-pressure synthesized Dy1-xPrxFe1.9 cubic Laves alloys J. Alloys Compd. 506, 533(2010) |
学术经历 |
• 2008 年3 月-现在,南京航空航天大学,应用物理系,副教授 • 2010 年9 月-2011 年8 月,西班牙Zaragoza 大学,博士后 • 2008 年7 月-2008 年8 月,德国Konstanz 大学,访问学者 • 2006 年9 月-2007 年12 月, 韩国Sejong 大学,博士后 |
其它 | 全部的pulication: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-6990-2009 联系方式:jiyufan@nuaa.edu.cn 或者 fanjiyu@gmail.com 电话:*********** |
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