研招网 > 江苏研招网 > 南京航空航天大学 > 导师介绍



姓名 周良强  
职称 副教授
学历/学位 博士
导师类别 硕导
所在学院 理学院
专业 动力系统,非线性动力学
研究方向 稳定性,分岔,混沌动力学
科研情况 1.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:11202095:高维非线性气动弹性系统动力学及其在高超声速巡航飞行器中的应用,经费28万,2013.1-2015.12,主持;
2.国家博士后基金特别资助项目:2013T60531:高超声速乘波体巡航飞行器模型的全局动力学研究,经费15万,2013-, 主持;
6.南京航空航天大学理工融合专项基金项目:NZ2013213:高超声速乘波飞行器几何参数化建模及其动力学研究, 2013-2014, 经费6万,主持;
主要科研成果 已发表学术论文二十余篇,其中SCI收录11篇,EI收录12篇。近年来发表的主要论文如下:
1. Liangqiang Zhou, Yushu Chen, Fangqi Chen. Stability and chaos of a damped satellite partially filled with liquid. Acta Astronautica, (SCI, EI) 2009, 65 (11-12): 1628-1638.
2. Liangqiang Zhou, Yushu Chen, Fangqi chen. Global bifurcation analysis of an arch structure with parametric and forced excitation. Mechanics Research Communications, (SCI, EI) 2010, 37 (1): 67-71.
3.Liangqiang Zhou, Fangqi Chen. Sil’nikov Chaos of Liu system. Chaos: A Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, (SCI) 2008,18 (1): 013113.
4.Liangqiang Zhou, Fangqi Chen. Stability and bifurcation analysis for a model of a nonlinear coupled pitch–roll ship. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, (SCI, EI) 2008, 79 (2): 144-166.
5.Liangqiang Zhou, Fangqi Chen. Hopf bifurcation and Si’lnikov chaos of Genesio system. Chaos,Solitons & Fractals,(SCI, EI) 2009, 40 (3): 1413-1422.
6.Liangqiang Zhou, Fangqi Chen. Chaos in the triple-well -Van der Pol oscillator driven by periodically external and nonlinear parametric excitations. Journal of Physics:conference series,(SCI) 2008,96 (1) : 012041.
7.Liangqiang Zhou, Yushu Chen, Fangqi Chen, Chaotic motions of a two- dimensional airfoil with cubic nonlinearity in supersonic flow, Aerospace Science and Technology (SCI, EI), In press.
8.Fangqi Chen, Liangqiang Zhou, Xia Wang, Yushu Chen. Chaotic motions of the L-mode to H-mode transition model in tokamak. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), (SCI) 2009, 30 (7): 811–820.
9. Fangqi Chen, Liangqiang Zhou, Yushu Chen, Bifurcation and chaos of an airfoil with cubic nonlinearity in incompressible flow. Science in China: Technological Sciences, (SCI, EI) 2011, 54(8):1954-1965.
10.Xia Wang, Fangqi Chen, Liangqiang Zhou. Stability and bifurcation for a flexible beam under a large linear motion with a combination parametric resonance, Nonlinear Dynamics, (SCI, EI) 2009, 56 (1-2): 101-119.
11.Zhou Liangqiang, Chen Fangqi, Chen Yu Shu. Chaotic behavior on reduction of perturbed Kdv equation in form of parametric excitation. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, (EI) 2007, 24 (4): 283-287.
12. Liangqiang Zhou, Yushu Chen, Fangqi Chen. Bifurcations and chaos of a new 3D quadratic system. ICIC Express Letters, (EI) 2010, 4 (6): 2481-2488 .
13.周良强, 陈芳启. 拱型结构在参、强激励下主共振情形的分叉分析. 机械强度, (EI) 2008, 30 (3): 359-361.
14.周良强, 陈予恕, 陈芳启. 超音速气流中受热壁板的非线性动力学分析. 科学技术与工程, 2010, 10 (19): 4744-4747.
15.周良强, 陈予恕, 陈芳启. 一个新系统的Hopf分岔与混沌运动. 电路与系统学报, 2010, 15(2): 66-69.
16. 周良强,陈芳启,陈予恕,一类新四维二次系统的混沌运动. 动力学与控制学报, 2011, 9(3):197-201.
17. 周良强,陈予恕,陈芳启,一类自治离心式调速器系统的Hopf分岔与混沌,机械强度,2012,34(2):165-169.
18. Yushu Chen, Liangqiang Zhou, Fangqi Chen. Subharmonic Bifurcations and Chaos for a Model of Micro-Cantilever in MEMS. Perspectives in Mathematical Sciences Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, 2009, Volume 9, 37-52.
19. Yushu Chen, LiangqiangZhou, Fangqi Chen. The method of solving homoclinic/ heteroclinic orbits –the undetermined coefficient method and its applications for a new chaotic system. AIP Conference Proceedings, (SCI) 2010, Vol.1233, 1518-1523.
学术经历 2008年7月毕业于南京航空航天大学一般力学与力学基础专业,获理学博士学位,导师:陈芳启教授;
其它 主讲课程:《概率论与数理统计II》、《线性代数》、《计算方法》、《信息论基础》。







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