姓名 董建平 性别
姓名 | 董建平 | |
性别 | 男 | |
职称 | 副教授 | |
学历/学位 | 博士 | |
导师类别 | 硕导 | |
所在学院 | 理学院 | |
专业 | 应用数学 | |
研究方向 | 分数阶微积分及其应用:分数阶量子力学/复杂系统 | |
主要科研成果 |
1. Jianping Dong, Applications of density matrix in the fractional quantum mechanics: Thomas-Fermi model and Hohenberg-Kohn theorems revisited, Physics Letters A, 375 (2011) 2787-2792. 2. Jianping Dong, Generalized Lippmann-Schwinger equation in the fractional quantum mechanics, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 44 (2011) 215204; 3. Jianping Dong, Green’s function for the time-dependent scattering problem in the fractional quantum mechanics, Journal of Mathematical physics, 52 (2011) 042103 ; 4. Jianping Dong and Mingyu Xu, Space–time fractional Schrödinger equation with time-independent potentials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 344 (2008), 1005-1017; 5. Jianping Dong and Mingyu Xu, Applications of continuity and discontinuity of a fractional derivative of the wave functions to fractional quantum mechanics, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49 (2008) 052105; 6. Jianping Dong and Mingyu Xu, Some solutions to the space fractional Schrödinger equation using momentum representation method, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48(2007)072105 |
学术经历 |
学习经历: 2000.9-2004.7 山东大学 应用数学 本科 2004.9-2009.6 山东大学 应用数学 硕博连读 工作经历: 2009.7-至今,南航理学院数学系 |
其它 | E-mail: dongjianping@nuaa.edu.cn, dongjp.sdu@gmail.com |
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