个人简介: 蒋红梅,副教授,硕士生导师,武汉大学化学与分子科学学院分析化学专业博士学位;2007年到南京
2 、Cr(III)-有机酸配合物的潜在氧化途径及其反应机制研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,20万,No.KYZ201124,起止年月:2011.5-2014.4,参加。
3、环境生物体系中痕量锌的分析,江苏省博士后科研资助计划,2万元,No. 1001002C,起止年月:2010年04月~2011年12月,主持。
4、超声辅助乳化微萃取和分散相液相微萃取GFAAS测定环境样品中痕量Pb和Mn的比较研究,南京农业大学青年科技创新基金,3万元,No. KJ09022,起止年月:2009年12月~2011年12月,主持。
1、H. M. Jiang, Y. Zhang, B. C. Qiu, W. H. Li,H. Z. Lian, Ultrasound-assisted emulsification–microextraction (USAEME) combined with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) for the determination of trace lead in water samples, CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water, 2012, 40 (4), 438–443
2、H. M. Jiang, Z. P. Yan, Y. Zhao, X. Hu, H. Z. Lian, Zincon-immobilized silica-coated magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for solid-phase extraction and determination of trace lead in natural and drinking waters by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Talanta, 2012, 94: 251
3、蒋红梅*,李文华,纳米Al2O3分离富集与石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定天然水中的痕量Cr (III),南京农业大学学报,2011, 34(5): 129
4、 H. M. Jiang, B. Hu, B. B. Chen, L. B. Xia,Hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction combined with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry for the speciation of arsenic(III) and arsenic(V) in fresh Waters and human hair extracts, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 634: 15
5、H. M. Jiang, B. Hu, Determination of trace Cd and Pb in natural waters by direct single drop microextraction combinedwith electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, Microchim. Acta, 2008, 161:101
6、H. M. Jiang, Y. C. Qin, B. Hu, Dispersive liquid phase microextraction (DLPME) combined with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) for determination of trace Co and Ni in environmental water and rice samples, Talanta, 2008, 74: 1160
7、H. M. Jiang, B. Hu, B. B. Chen, W. Q. Zu, Hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction combined with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of methylmercury in human hair and sludge samples, Spectrochimi. Acta, 2008, 63B: 770
8、H. M. Jiang, B. Hu, Z. C. Jiang, Y. C. Qin, Microcolumn packed with YPA4 chelating resin on-line separation/preconcentration combined with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using Pd as a permanent modifier for the determination of trace mercury in water samples, Talanta, 2006, 70: 7
9、蒋红梅, 秦永超, 胡 斌, 江祖成,纳米Al2O3微柱分离/ 富集-石墨炉原子吸收法测定环境试样中的痕量铅和镉,分析科学学报, 2006, 22: 193
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