1.Chen Gang, Wang Hua, Gai Jun-Yi, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Yang Li-Fei, Liu Qian-Qian, Zhang Gong-Chen, Chen Guo-Hu. Construction and characterization of a full-length cDNA library and identification of genes involved in salinity stress in wild eggplant (Solanum torvum Swartz). Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology. 2012, 53(2): 158-166. (SCI) (*corresponding author, the same below)
2.Chen Lei, Liu Qian-Qian, Gai Jun-Yi, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Yang Li-Fei, Wang Cong. Effects of nitrogen forms on the growth and polyamine contents in developing seeds of vegetable soybean. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2011, 34(4): 504-521. (SCI)
3.Liu Qian-Qian, Chen Gang, Gai Jun-Yi, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Yang Li-Fei, Wei Guo-Ping, Wang Cong. Highly efficient shoot regeneration from cotyledonary nodes of vegetable soybean. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology. 2010, 28(2): 307-313. (SCI)
4.Yang Li-Fei, Gai Jun-Yi, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Chen Gang, Wei Guo-Ping, Wang Cong, Liu Qian-Qian. Construction and characterization of full-length cDNA library and expressed sequence tags analysis in developing seeds of vegetable soybean. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology. 2009, 50(1): 51-56. (SCI)
5.Chen Lei, Liu Si-Chen, Gai Jun-Yi, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Yang Li-Fei, Wei Guo-Ping. Effects of nitrogen forms on the growth, ascorbate-glutathione cycle and lipid peroxidation in developing seeds of vegetable soybean. African Journal of Agriclurtural Reaserch. 2009, 4(11): 1178-1188. (SCI)
6.Wei Guo-Ping, Yang Li-Fei, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Chen Gang. Changes in oxidative damage, antioxidant enzyme activities and polyamine contents in leaves of grafted eggplant seedlings under calcium nitrate stress. ScientiaHorticulturae. 2009, 120: 443-451. (SCI)
7.Zhang Gu-Wen, Liu Zheng-Lu, Zhou Jun-Guo, Zhu Yue-Lin*. Effects of Ca(NO3)2 stress on oxidative damage, antioxidant enzymes activities and polyamine contents in roots of grafted and non-grafted tomato plants. Plant Growth Regul. 2008, 56: 7-19. (SCI)
8.Sheng Xiao-Guang, Liu Fan, Zhu Yue-Lin, Zhao Hong, Zhang Li, Chen Bin. Production and analysis of intergeneric somatic hybrids between Brassica oleracea and Matthiola incana. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2008, 92: 55-62. (SCI)
9. Yang Li-Fei, Zhu Yue-Lin*, Maruo Toru, Hu Chun-Mei, Liu Zheng-Lu. Separation and identification of specific proteins in leaves of hydroponically-grown grafted cucumber plants under NaCl stress. Acta Horticulturae, 2008, 771: 183-190. (ISTP)
10. Zhu Yue-Lin, Ito T. Effects of nutrient stress by split-root system on the growth and K, Ca, and Mg contents at different stages of hydroponically-grown tomato seedlings. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 2000, 69(6): 677-683. ( SCI )
11.Zhu Yue-Lin, Ito T. Effects of nutrient, NaCl and heat stresses on the major cation contents in tomato seedlings. Environment Control in Biology. 2000, 38(4): 221-228. ( SCI )
12.Ogawa T, Tsuji H, Bando N, Kitamura K, Zhu Yue-Lin, Hirano H, Nishikawa K. Identification of the soybean allergenic protein, Gly m Bd 30K, with the soybean seed 34-kDa oil-body-associated protein. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem.1993, 57(6): 1030-1033. ( SCI )
13.Zhu Yue-Lin, Kitamura K, Bando N, Tsuji H, Ogawa T. Purification of a major allergenic protein in soybean. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the Japanese Association for Seed Physiology and Biochemistry. 1991, 10-13.
14.Zhu Yue-Lin, Cao Shouchun. Freezing resistance and its correlated characters in non-heading Chinese cabbage. In: International Symposium on Horticultural Germplasm, Cultivated and Wild. International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China. 1989, 423-427.
15.Kitamura K, Zhu Yue-Lin, Bando N, Tsuji H, Ogawa T. Genetic reduction of a major allergenic protein in soybean. Japan. J. Breeding. 1992, 42 (suppl.1): 538-539.
16.Zhu Yue-Lin, Cao Shouchun, Liu Zuqi. An improvement on method determining lethal temperature and its verification in non-heading Chinese cabbage. Cruciferae Newsletter. 1987, (12): 38-39.
17.Zhu Yue-Lin, Cao Shouchun, Liu Zuqi. Determination of cold hardiness and its correlated characters in non-heading Chinese cabbage. Cruciferae Newsletter. 1987, (12): 40-41.
2.朱月林,盖钧镒,刘思辰,杨立飞。菜用大豆过敏蛋白质基因Gly m Bd 30 K 的RNAi植物表达载体,
3. 朱月林,盖钧镒,张功臣,杨立飞。 野生茄子耐盐基因StP5CS及其抗除草剂植物表达载体,
6.朱月林,盖钧镒,陈罡,杨立飞。 野生茄子耐盐基因StBADH抗除草剂植物表达载体,公开号:CN101979604A。
2.国家高技术(863)研究计划重大项目子课题, 优质、抗逆转基因菜用大豆新品种培育
3.国家高技术(863)研究计划重大项目子课题, 菜用大豆优质基因的克隆及功能研究
4.江苏省资源开发局科技项目,辣椒优质高效标准化生产技术示范推广(编号:2009KJ-30), 主持人。
5.教育部高校博士点基金项目,番茄嫁接苗体内盐分区域化及其机理(编号:20030307020), 主持人。
6.国家自然科学基金, 高温对黄瓜花粉发育及受精过程伤害机理研究(编号:30100123), 副主持人。
7.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目, 珍稀名优蔬菜种质资源的利用研究[编号:(2001)498], 主持人。
8.江苏省科技厅项目, 名特优蔬菜新品种及无公害栽培技术示范推广(编号:BC2003306),主持人。
10.江苏省“十五” 科技攻关项目, 高档蔬菜优质高效标准化无土栽培技术研究(编号:BE 2001326-3),主持人。
11.江苏省“十五” 重点科技项目,无公害蔬菜生产关键技术研究(编号:BE 2002304), 副主持人。
四、 获奖情况:
1.1994年以来获得国务院特殊津贴 [证书编号:(94)3260006]。
2.1992年荣获国家科技进步二等奖一项 (证书编号:农-2-008-3)。
3.2002年获中国农学会第八届青年科技奖 [农学发(2002)31]。
4. 2000年荣获江苏省科技进步二等奖 (证书编号:2-3-4)。
4.1991年荣获江苏省科技进步二等奖 (证书编号:2-2-3)。
5.1990年江苏省首届中青年科技奖 (证书编号:1989-4)。