姓名:张瑞福 电话:025--84396212 职称:教授 邮箱:rfzhang@njau.edu.cn 从事专业:植物营
张瑞福,山东泰安人,1974年出生于山东省泰安市。2004年4月在南京农业大学获理学博士学位, 2004年6月起先后在香港大学、美国德克萨斯农工大学、加州大学戴维斯分校从事博士后研究。2010年4月起任南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院教授,博士生导师。SCI 杂志《International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation》(IBB) 的编委。中国微生物学会环境微生物专委会委员。南京农业大学高层次引进人才。主要从事根际微生物与生物技术研究,研究领域包括根际微生物学、微生物有机肥、土壤微生物多样性及其优化调控、土壤有机污染物的微生物降解、木质纤维素的微生物酶解等
1994.9-1998.6 山东莱阳农学院 农学系 农学学士
1998.9-2004.4 南京农业大学微生物学系 硕博连读 理学博士
2004.6-2006.6 Department of Biodiversity & Ecology, Hong Kong University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2006.6-2008.9 Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology, Texas A&M University, Postdoctoral Research Associate.
2008.9-2010.5 Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis,Postdoctoral Research Associate
2010.5- 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院 教授 博士生导师。
(2)微生物高效木质纤维素酶制剂的开发及协同作用机理:主要从事高效木质纤维素降解菌的分离,木质纤维素酶的分离纯化、协同作用机理,基因克隆、高效表达(E.coli, B.subtilis, Phichia pastoris, Nuerospa crass, Aspergillus niger等作为表达宿主),酶的定向进化、高效基因工程菌的构建、及工业用高效酶制剂的开发等。
(1) “根际促生菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9与植物根系分泌物互作的分子机理研究”,41271271,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013.1-2016.12.75万元,主持。
(2) “生防菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9在植株根表原位条件下形成生物膜的蛋白组变化研究”,20110097110002,教育部博士点博导基金,2012.1-2014.12,12万元,主持。
(3) “微生物有机肥产业发展中的关键技术研究”,2011BAD11B03,科技部科技支撑计划,2011.1-2015.12, 255万元,课题主持。
(4) “利用有机(类)肥料调控我国土壤微生物区系关键技术研究”,201103004,农业部公益性行业科研专项,2011.1-2015.12,83万元,骨干参加。
(5) “高温木质纤维素酶制剂的研发及协同作用机理研究”,03-06J0425,中央高校基本科研业务费,2010.11-2012.11,40万元,主持。
(6) “南京农业大学高层次引进人才科研启动经费”,680-804103,南京农业大学,2010.5-2015.5,50万元,主持。
(7) “青年骨干人才培养与引进计划”03-80900205,江苏省优势学科建设项目,2011.7-2012.7,10万元,主持。
(8) “有机磷农药水解酶基因水平转移的分子基础研究”,30400014,国家自然科学青年基金, 2005.1-2007.12,20万元,主持。
(9) “农业资源与环境学科生物学研究创新引智基地(111项目)”,B12009,教育部、国家外国专家局,2012.1-2016.12, 中方骨干参加。
(10) “新型农业微生物肥效制剂的创制,2013AA100802,科技部863项目,2013.1-2017.12,900万元,主持。
(1) 美国专利,Zhiliang Fan, Takao Kasuga, Weihua Wu, Xiaochao Xiong, Ruifu Zhang,2012,Biochemical platform for fuels and chemicals production from cellulosic biomass,US Patent: 20120129221A1
(2) 国家发明专利,李顺鹏;张瑞福;蒋建东;戴青华;崔中利;何健.2005.一种三唑磷农药残留降解菌及其生产的菌剂.CN200410044951.5.
(3) 国家发明专利,李顺鹏;顾立锋;何健;洪青;张瑞福;蒋建东.2006 一种辛硫磷农药残留降解菌及其生产的菌剂CN200510022545.3.
(4) 国家科技进步二等奖,李顺鹏、崔中利、沈标、刘智、何健、杨新民、王新华、张瑞福、蒋建东、洪青.2005.农药残留微生物降解技术的研究与应用。
28.Huang X, Chaparro JM, Reardon KF, Zhang R, Shen Q and Vivanco JM.2012.Root exudates and microbial diversity in the rhizopshere.Environmental Microbiology.(Editor invited review, In revision)
27.Zhang J, Shen Z, Yuan J, Wang B, Shen Q and Zhang R*.2012.Inclusive analysis of the biocontrol mechanisms of Trichoderma harzianum SQR-T037, an efficient biocontrol agent for banana wilt.Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology (In revision)
26.Xu Z, Shao J, Li B, Yan X, Shen Q and Zhang R*.2012.Contribution of Bacillomycin D in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 to antifungal activity and biofilm formation Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Pressed online, DOI:10.1128/AEM.02645-12) (Nominated by Editors as the Spotlight article)
25.Weng J†, Wang Y†, Li J, Shen Q and Zhang R*.2012. Enhancing root colonization and biocontrol activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by abrB gene disruption Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology (Pressed online, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4572-4)
24.Ding C, Shen Q, Zhang R, and Chen W*.2012.Evaluation of rhizosphere bacteria and derived bio-organic fertilizers as potential biocontrol agents against bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) of potato.Plant Soil.(Pressed online, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1425-y)
23.Li S, Zhang N, Zhang Z, Luo J, Shen B, Zhang R and Shen Q*.2012.Antagonist Bacillus subtilis HJ5 controls Verticillium wilt of cotton by root colonization and biofilm formation.Biol Fertil Soils (Pressed online, DOI: 10.1007/s00374-012-0718-x) (IF3yr=2.319)
22.Qiu M†, Zhang R†, Xue C, Zhang S, Li S, Zhang N and Shen Q*.2012.Application of a novel bio-organic fertilizer can control Fusarium wilt by regulating the microbial community of cucumber rhizosphere soils.Biol Fertil Soils 48:807-816.(Co-First author)
21.Liao H, Xu C, Tan S, Wei Z, Ling N, Yu G, Raza W, Zhang R, Shen Q and Xu Y*.2012.Production and characterization of acidophilic xylanolytic enzymes from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2.Bioresour Technol.123:117-124 .
20.Zhang R*, Pan L, Zhao Z and Gu J-D*.2012 High Incidence of Plasmids in Marine Vibrio Species Isolated from Mai Po Nature Reserve of Hong Kong Ecotoxicology, 21:1661-1668 (Co-corresponding author)
19.Wang Y, Weng J, Raza W, Yin X, Zhang R and Shen Q*.2012.Bacillus subtilis genome editing using ssDNA with short homologous fragments.Nucleic Acids Res.1-9.
18.Huo Z, Zhang N, Waseem Raza, Shen Q and Zhang R*.2012.Comparison of the spores of Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21 prepared at different temperatures.Biotechnology Letters 34:925-933.
17.Fan Z*, Wu W, Hildebrand A,Kusuga T,Zhang R and Xiong X.2012.A novel biochemical platform for fuels and chemicals production from cellulosic biomass.Plos One 7:e31693.
16.Huo Z†, Zhang N†, Xu Z, Li S, Zhang Q, Qiu M, Huang Q, Zhang R* and Shen Q.2012.Optimization of survival and spore formation of Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21 during bioorganic fertilizer storage.Bioresour Technol.108:190-195.
15.Liu D, Zhang R, Yang X, Zhang Z, Song S, Miao Y and Shen Q*.2012.Characterization of a thermostable beta-glucosidase from Aspergillus fumigatus Z5, and its functional expression in Pichia pastoris X33.Microbial Cell Factories.11:25.
14.Zhang N, Wu K, He X, Li S, Zhang Z, Shen B, Yang X, Zhang R, Huang Q and Shen Q*.2011.A new bioorganic fertilizer can effectively control banana wilt by strong colonization with Bacillus subtilis N11.Plant Soil.344:87-97.
13.Liu D, Zhang R, Yang X, Wu H, Xu D, Tang Z and Shen Q*.2011.Thermostable cellulase production of Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 under solid-state fermentation and its application in degradation of agricultural wastes.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65(5):717-725.
12.Liu D, Zhang R, Yang X, Xu Y, Tang Z, Tian W and Shen Q*.2011.Expression, purification and characterization of two thermostable endoglucanases cloned from a lignocellulosic decomposing fungi Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 isolated from compost.Protein Expr Purif.79(2):176-86.
11.Liu D, Zhang R, Wu H, Xu D, Tang Z, Yu G, Xu Z and Shen Q*.2011.Changes in biochemical and microbiological parameters during the period of rapid composting of dairy manure with rice chaff.Bioresour Technol.102(19):9040-9.
10.Zhang R, Fan Z* and Kusuga T.2011.Heterologous expression of cellobiose dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa in Pichia pastoris and its purification and characterization. Protein Expr Purif.75:63-69.
9.Zhang R, Lipuma JJ and Gonzalez CF*.2009 Two type IV secretion systems with different functions in Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2.Microbiology 155: 4005-13.
8.Zhang R and Gu J-D*.2009.Complete sequence of plasmid pMP-1 from the marine environmental Vibrio vulnificus and location of its replication origin.Marine Biotechnology. 11(4):456-62.
7.Zhang R, Wang Y, Leung P and Gu J-D*.2007.pVC, a small, cryptic plasmid from the environmental isolate of Vibrio cholerae MP-1.J Microbiol.45:193-198.
6.Jiang, J., Zhang R, Cui Z, He J, Gu L and Li S*.2007.Parameters controlling the gene targeting frequency in Sphingomonas species rrn site and expression of the methyl parathion hydrolase.Journal of Applied Microbiology.102:1578-1585.
5.Jiang, J., Zhang R, Li R, Gu J-D and Li S*.2007 Simultaneous biodegradation of methyl parathion and carbofuran by a genetically engineered microorganism constructed by mini-Tn5 transposon.Biodegradation, 18:403-412.
4.Zhang, R., Wang Y and Gu J-D*.2006.Identification of environmental plasmid-bearing Vibrio species isolated from polluted and pristine marine environments of Hong Kong and resistance to antibiotics and mercury. Anton Leeuw Int J G, 89:307-315.
3.Zhang, R., Jiang J, Gu J-D and Li S*.2006.Long term effect of methylparathion contamination on soil microbial community diversity estimated by 16S rRNA gene cloning. Ecotoxicology, 15:523-530.
2.Zhang, R., Cui Z, Zhang X, Jiang J, Gu J-D and Li S*.2006.Cloning of the organophosphorus pesticide hydrolase gene clusters of seven degradative bacteria isolated from a methyl parathion contaminated site and evidence of their horizontal gene transfer.Biodegradation, 17:465-472.
1.Zhang, R., Cui Z, Jiang J, He J, Gu X and Li S*.2005.Diversity of organophosphorus pesticide-degrading bacteria in a polluted soil and conservation of their organophosphorus hydrolase genes.Can J Microbiol.51(4): 337~343.
16.张瑞福, 沈其荣* 2012.抑病型土壤的微生物区系特征及调控.南京农业大学学报.35:125-132.
15.戴青华, 张瑞福,蒋建东, 邱珊莲,李顺鹏* 2007.三唑磷水解酶基因的克隆及水解产物的确定.中国环境科学6:777-780
14.张瑞福,吴旭平,樊奔,何健,蒋建东,李顺鹏* 2005.有机磷农药污染土壤中有机磷农药降解菌的分离与多样性研究,生态学报.25(6):1502-1508.
13.张瑞福,蒋建东, 代先祝,顾立锋,李顺鹏* 2005.污染环境中降解基因的水平转移及其在生物修复中的作用, 遗传.27(5):845-851.
12.蒋建东,张瑞福,何健,张小舟, 崔中利, 李顺鹏* 2005.细菌对环境污染物的趋化性及其在生物修复中的作用, 生态学报.25(7):1764-1771.
11.戴青华, 张瑞福,蒋建东,顾立锋,李顺鹏* 2005.一株三唑磷降解菌mp-4的分离鉴定及降解特性的研究, 土壤学报.42(1):111-115.
10.张瑞福,戴青华,何健,代先祝,李顺鹏* 2004.七株有机磷农药降解菌的降解特性比较研究, 中国环境科学.24(5):584-587.
9.张瑞福,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2004.土壤微生物群落结构研究方法进展,土壤.36(5):476-480.
8.张瑞福,崔中利,何健,黄婷婷,李顺鹏* 2004.甲基对硫磷长期污染对土壤微生物的生态学效应, 农村生态环境.20(4):1-5.
7.张瑞福,蒋建东,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2004.菌株DLL-1降解土壤和韭菜中甲基对硫磷的研究,应用生态学报.15(2):295-298
6.蒋建东,曹慧,张瑞福,张明星,李顺鹏* 2004.有机磷农药对韭菜虫害的防治效果及农药的微生物降解,应用生态学报.15(8):1459-1462.
5.顾立锋,何健,张瑞福,李顺鹏* 2004.一株耐盐苯酚降解菌的分离及降解特性研究,土壤学报.41(5):756-760.
4.张瑞福,曹慧,崔中利,李顺鹏*,樊奔 2003.土壤微生物总DNA的提取与纯化,微生物学报.43(2):276-282.(截止到2012.9.1,已被引用78次,是《微生物学报》自1953年创刊以来被引次数最多的单篇论文,获第六届中国科协期刊优秀论文奖)
3.张瑞福,朱卫,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2003.辛硫磷降解菌X-1的分离鉴定及降解性状的初步研究,环境科学学报.23(3):411-413.
2.朱卫,张瑞福,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2003.一株杀虫单降解细菌的筛选与生物学特性研究,南京农业大学学报.26(1):100-103.
1.崔中利,张瑞福,何健,李顺鹏* 2002.对硝基苯酚降解菌P3的分离、降解性质及基因工程菌的构建,微生物学报.42(1):19-26.
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