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  叶永浩 老师个人简历:
  1997年9月-2001年7月 南京大学基础学科教学强化部,获学士学位;
  2001年9月-2006年6月 南京大学生命科学学院,获博士学位;
  2006年6月-2008年12月 南京农业大学植保学院,讲师;
  2009年1月至今, 南京农业大学植保学院,副教授。


  1. 基于固定化酶技术的植物内生菌杀虫活性物质研究(KYZ201107,11.7-13.12,中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点研究项目,负责)
  2. 银杏内生菌杀虫、杀菌活性代谢产物研究(30901854,10.1-12.12,国家自然科学基金,负责)
  3. 内生真菌Irpex lacteus 抗菌活性次生代谢产物研究(10.10-12.09,江苏省农药学重点实验室开放基金,负责)
  4. 分子靶标导向的绿色化学农药创新研究(2010CB126100,10.1-14.12,国家‘973’研究计划,课题骨干)
  5. 内生真菌Phomopsis sp.Bya02抗菌活性次生代谢产物研究(KJ08007,08.8-10.7,南京农业大学青年科技创新基金,负责)
  6. 植物内生菌杀虫、杀菌活性代谢产物研究(20070307023,08.1-10.12,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,负责)
  7. 粘质沙雷氏菌XY21在番茄根围的定殖研究(BK2007578,07.7-09.12,江苏省自然科学基金,负责)
  8. 微生物源具农药活性先导化合物的发现与优化(020803028,06.7-08.6,南京农业大学人才引进基金,负责)

  1. Li D.D, Lv P.C., Zhang H., Zhang H.J., Hou Y.P., Liu K, Ye Y.H.*, Zhu H.L.*, 2011. The combination of 4-anilinoquinazoline and cinnamic acid: A novel mode of binding to the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 19, 5012-5022.
  2. Fu J., Zhou Y., Li H.F., Ye Y.H.*, Guo J.H.*, 2011. Antifungal metabolites from Phomopsis sp By254, an endophytic fungus in Gossypium hirsutum. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5, 1231-1236.
  3. Li J., Ye Y.H., Huang H.W., Dong L.Y., 2011, Kaempferol-3-O-D-glucoside, a potential allelochemical isolated from Solidago canadensis. Allelopathy Journal, 28, 259-266.
  4. Shi H.Y., Zhang B.H., Ye Y.H., Zheng Z.T., Wang M.H., 2011. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the pyrethroid fenpropathrin Food and Agricultural Immunology, 22, 69-76.
  5. Wang F.W., Ye Y.H., Ding H., Chen Y.X., Tan R.X., Song Y.C., 2010. Benzophenones from Guignardia sp. IFB-E028, an endophyte on Hopea hainanensis. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 7, 216-220.
  6. 李海峰, 叶永浩, 郭坚华. 2010. 枯草芽孢杆菌7Ze3环二肽的分离与鉴定. 江苏农业科学, 2. 107-109.
  7. Bao H.J., Fang S., Liu Z.J., Shi H.Y., Ye Y.H., Wang M.H., 2010. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the rapid detection of haloxyfop-p-methyl. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 8167-8170.
  8. Chang H., Li X.,Fu J., Cheng K., Ye Y.H.*, Guo J.H.*, 2009. Crystal structure of (3R, 4S)-6, 8-dihydroxy-3,4,5-trimethy l-1-oxoisochroman -7- carboxylic acid, C13H14O6. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures, 224, 425-427.
  9. Wang J.D., Shi H.Y., Ye Y.H., Wang M.H., 2009. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 37, 82-86.
  10. 付静, 叶永浩, 王瑞, 郭坚华, 2009. 一株拟茎点霉属内生真菌脂肪酸成分分析. 安徽农业科学, 37, 13492-13494.
  11. Wang M., Ye Y.H.*, 2008. 6,6"-Oxydichroman.Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, E64, o308.
  12. 单承莺, 叶永浩, 姜洪芳, 张玖, 2008. 灯心草化学成分研究. 中药材, 31, 374-376.
  13. Liu C.H., Xue Y.R., Ye Y.H., Yuan F.F., Liu J.Y., Shuang J.L., 2007. Extraction and characterization of antioxidant compositions from fermented fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni). Agricultural Sciences in China, 6, 101-105.
  14. Shen L., Ye Y.H., Wang X.T., Song Y.C., Li H., Xu C., Zhu H.L., Tan R.X., 2006. Structure and total synthesis of aspernigerin, a novel antitumor endophyte metabolite. Chemistry - A European Journal, 12, 4393-4396.
  15. Shen L., Jiao R.H., Ye Y.H., Wang X.T., Xu C., Song Y.C., Zhu H.L., Tan R.X., 2006. Absolute stereochemistry of new cytotoxic and other bioactive trichothecene macrolides. Chemistry - A European Journal, 12, 5596-5602.
  16. Wang F.W., Ye Y.H., Chen J.R., Wang X.T., Zhu H.L., Song Y.C., Tan R.X., 2006. Neoplaether, a new cytotoxic and antifungal endophyte metabolite from Neoplaconema sp. IFB-E016. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 261, 218-223.
  17. Liu J.Y., Huang L.L., Ye Y.H., Zou W.X., Guo Z.J., Tan R.X., 2006. Antifungal and new metabolites of Myrothecium sp. Z16, a symbiotic fungus in Argyrosomus argentatus. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100, 195-202.
  18. Wang S.F., Ye Y.H., Zhang Z., Tan R.X., 2006. Regioselective sonochemical synthesis of genistein derivatives. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 13, 28-31.
  19. Ye Y.H., Zhu H.L., Song Y.C., Liu J.Y., Tan R.X., 2005. Structural revision of aspernigrin A, reisolated from Cladosporium herbarum IFB-E002. Journal of Natural Products, 68, 1106-1108.
  10. Liu J.Y., Ye Y.H., Wang L., Shi D.H., Tan R.X., 2005. New resveratrol oligomers from the stem bark of Hopea hainanensis. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 88, 2910-2917.
  21. Wang S.F., Jiang Q., Ye Y.H., Li Y., Tan R.X., 2005. Genistein derivatives as selective estrogen receptor modulators: sonochemical synthesis and in vivo anti-osteoporotic action. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry, 13, 4880-4890.
  22. Ge H.M., Song Y.C., Shan C.Y., Ye Y.H., Tan R.X., 2005. New and cytotoxic anthraquinones from Pleospora sp. IFB-E006, an endophytic fungus in Imperata cylindrical. Planta Medica, 71, 1063-1065.
  23. Song Y.C., Li H., Ye Y.H., Shan C.Y., Yang Y.M., Tan R.X., 2004. Endophytic naphthopyrone metabolites are co-inhibitors on xanthine oxidase, SW1116 cell and some microbial growths. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 241, 67-72.
  24. Huang J., Yao Y., Lin J., Ye Y.H., Sun W.Y., Tang W.X., 2004. The solution structure of rat A β-(1-28) and its interaction with zinc ion: insights into the scarcity of amyloid deposition in aged rat brain. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 9, 627-635.
  25. 叶永浩, 王剑文, 化感物质 (2003) 谭仁祥 主编. 植物成分功能. 北京: 科学出版社. pp35-63.
  26. 王剑文, 孙诚, 叶永浩, 有毒植物成分 (2003) 谭仁祥 主编. 植物成分功能. 北京: 科学出版社. pp682-707.

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