研招网 > 广东研招网 > 中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院 > 导师介绍


姓名: 陈凌 性别:
职务: 创始院长(2004-2008) 职称: 研究员
学历: 博士 通讯地址: 广州市科学城开源大道190号
电话:   邮政编码: 510530
传真:   电子邮件: chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn

  ·1979-1985 上海第一医学院,医学学士
  ·1985年 考取CUSBEA项目赴美留学
  ·1985-1991 美国印第安那(Indiana University)大学医学院,生物化学与分子生物学博士生
  ·1992-1994 美国哈佛大学医学院分子药学系,Dana-Farber癌症研究所,博士后
  ·1994-1996 美国哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School),讲师(Instructor)
  ·1997-2001 美国默克制药公司,默克实验室(Merck Research Laboratory),资深研究员(Senior Research Fellow),为曾进入大规模临床II期试验的MRKAd5艾滋病疫苗的第一发明人
  ·2001-2003 美国Lexicon Pharmaceuticals公司 生物制药部总监(Director of Biotherapeutics)
  ·2004-2008 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,创始院长,研究员
  ·2006 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者
  ·2009-2011 英国葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline),全球副总裁暨中国研发中心首席运营官
  ·2012 法国赛诺菲巴斯德公司(Sanofi Pasteur),全球副总裁

  ·新型爱滋病疫苗研发。参与了国家传染病重大专项研究。近3年在国际病毒学及疫苗领域高端学术期刊J Virology,Vaccine发表了11篇论文。

  ·Sun C,Feng L,Zhang Y,Xiao L,Pan W,Li C,Zhang L,*Chen L,Circumventing anti-vector immunity using adenovirus-infected blood cells for repeated application of adenovirus vectored vaccines:proof-of-concept in rhesus macaques.J Virology,2012,86:11031-11042.
  ·Pan W,Dong Z,Meng W,Zheng W,Li T,Li C,Zhang B,*Chen L.Improvement of influenza vaccine strain A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) growth with the neuraminidase packaging sequence from A/Puerto Rico/8/34.Hum Vaccine Immunother.2012,1;8(2)252-259.
  ·Zhang Y,Sun C,Feng L,Xiao L,*Chen L.Enhancement of Gag-specific but reduction of Env- and Pol-specific CD8+ T cell responses by SIV nonstructural proteins in mice.AIDS Research Human Retroviruses.2011,28(4):374-83.
  ·Sun C,Zhang Y,Zhang M,Hong Z,Ma X,*Chen L.Epidemiology of adenovirus type 5 neutralizing antibodies in healthy people and AIDS patients in Guangzhou southern China.Vaccine.2011,17;29:3837-41.
  ·Sun C,Zhang Y,Liu Y,Zhang M,*Chen L.Enhancement of immunogenicity of replication-defective adenovirus-based human immunodeficiency virus vaccines in rhesus monkeys.AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses.2011,27(6):681-686.
  ·Guan M,Qu L,Tan W,*Chen L,and Wong CW.Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 alpha regulates liver triglyceride metabolism in part through secreted phospholipase A2 GXIIB.Hepatology,2011,53:458-466.
  ·Hu X,Meng W,Dong Z,Pan W,Sun C,*Chen L.Comparative immunogenicity of recombinant adenovirus-vectored vaccines expressing different forms of hemagglutinin (HA) proteins from the H5 serotype of influenza A viruses in mice.Virus Res.2011,155:156-162.
  ·Li F,Feng F,Pan W,Dong Z,Li C,Sun C,*Chen L.Generation of replication-competent recombinant influenza A viruses carrying a reporter gene harbored in neuraminidase segment.J Virology,2010,84:12075-12081.
  ·Sun C,Zhang L,Zhang M,Liu Y,Zhong M,Ma X,*Chen L.Induction of balance and breadth in the immune response is beneficial for the control of SIVmac239 replication in rhesus monkeys.J Infect.2010;60:371-381.
  ·Xu W,Yi L,Feng Y,*Chen L,*Liu J.Structural insight into the activation mechanism of human pancreatic prophospholipase A2.J Biol Chem.2009;284:16659-16666.
  ·Shiver JW,Fu TM,Chen L,et al.Replication-incompetent adenoviral vaccine vector elicits effective anti-immunodeficiency-virus immunity.Nature.2002,415:331-335.
  ·Chen L,Chen D,Block E,O'Donnell M,Kufe DW,Clinton,SK.Eradication of murine bladder carcinoma by intratumor injection of a bicistronic adenoviral vector carrying cDNAs for Interleukin-12 heterodimer and its inhibition by the IL-12 p40 subunit homodimer.Journal of Immunology,1997,159:351-359.
  ·Chen L,Yu L,Waxman DJ.Potentiation of cytochrome P450/cyclophosphamide-based cancer gene therapy by transfer of the P450 reductase gene.Cancer Research,1997,57:4830-4837.
  ·Chen L,Pulsipher M,Chen D,Elias A,Sieff C,Fine HA,Kufe DW.Adenovirus mediated transgene expression for detection and elimination of contaminating carcinoma cells in hematopoietic stem cell sources.Journal of Clinical Investigation,1996,98:2539-2548.
  ·Chen L,Waxman DJ,Chen D,Kufe DW.Sensitization of human breast cancer cells to cyclophosphamide and ifosphamide by transfer of a liver cytochrome P450 gene.Cancer Research,1996,56:1331-1340.
  ·Chen L,Chen D,Manome Y,Dong Y,Fine FA,Kufe DW.Breast cancer selective gene expression and therapy mediated by recombinant adenoviruses containing DF3/MUC1 promoter.Journal of Clinical Investigation,1995,96:2775-2782.
  ·Chen L,Waxman DJ.Intratumoral activation and enhanced chemotherapeutic effect of oxazaphosphorines following cytochrome P-450 gene transfer:development of a combined chemotherapy/cancer gene therapy strategy.Cancer Research,1995,55:581-589.
  Chen L,Davis G J,Crabb D,Lumeng L.Intrasplenic transplantation of isolated periportal and perivenous hepatocytes as a long-term system for study of liver-specific gene expression.Hepatology 1994,19:989-998.







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