
►个人简介 Profile
近几年内,在国际一流期刊如Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE) 和 Engineering Structures和国内一流期刊如土木工程学报发表期刊文章11篇,会议文章12篇。其中被SCI或SCI-E收录的有8篇。值得一提的是,武隽在博士期间由于科研成果显著,2008年度被授予女子交通研讨会科罗拉多州分会Helene M Overly 研究生奖学金 (美国科罗拉多州和怀俄明两州唯一一名获奖者)。
武隽是Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE),Advances in Structural Engineering 和Journal of Zhejiang University的审稿人,并于2012年被Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE)授予“优秀审稿人”。
►受教育经历 Education
· 2007/01-2010/12,Colorado State University美国科罗拉多州立大学,土木与环境工程学院, 结构工程系,博士, 导师:S. R. Chen (陈甦人)
· 2004/09-2007/07,长安大学,公路学院, 桥梁系,硕士研究生/硕士,导师:周绪红
· 2000/09-2004/07,长安大学,公路学院, 桥梁系,本科/学士
· *说明:硕士于2007年1月提前答辩赴美留学,正式的硕士文凭授予在2007年7月。所以硕士文凭的授予时间滞后于开始读博士的时间。
· 2014/12-今,长安大学,公路学院,副教授
· 2011/04-2014/12,长安大学,公路学院,讲师
· 2010/12-2011/04,Colorado State University美国科罗拉多州立大学,土木与环境工程学院结构工程系,博士后
►研究方向 Research
联系方式 Address
►参与项目 Project
1. 融合交通监测和Agent-CA模型的风、随机车流、大跨桥梁耦合系统仿真及荷载效应评估(E080505),国家自然科学基金(青年项目),纵向,25万,主持人,2014获批,已开始进行,2017结题,进行中
2. 高墩大跨桥梁在风和随机车流作用下的安全评估(2014JQ7234),陕西省自然科学基金(青年项目),纵向,3万,主持人,2014-2016,进行中
3. 桥梁设计荷载研究(CHD2011JC174),中央高校基金基础科研项目,纵向,3万,主持人,2011-2013,已完成
4. 高墩大跨桥梁在风和随机车流作用下的安全评估(0306-110395),中国博士后基金,纵向,主持人,2014-2016,进行中
5. 结构力学双语示范课程建设,长安大学本科教学工程项目,纵向,1万,主持人,2014-2015,进行中
6. 考虑体系冗余性及其经时变异性的RC简支T梁桥可靠度评估方法(51308055),国家自然科学基金(青年项目),纵向,25万,第一参与人,2014-2016,进行中
►学术成果 Achieve
近几年内,在国际一流期刊如Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE) 和 Engineering Structures和国内一流期刊如土木工程学报发表期刊文章11篇,会议文章12篇。其中被SCI或SCI-E收录的有8篇。值得一提的是,武隽在博士期间由于科研成果显著,2008年度被授予女子交通研讨会科罗拉多州分会Helene M Overly 研究生奖学金 (美国科罗拉多州和怀俄明两州唯一一名获奖者)。
1. J. Wu, Y. F. Zhou and S. R. Chen “Wind-induced performance of long-span bridge with modified cross-section profiles by stochastic traffic”, Engineering Structures, 41, 464–476, 2012(SCI)
2. J. Wu, S. R. Chen and J. W. van. de. Lindt. “Fatigue assessment of slender long span bridges: A reliability analysis”, Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE, 17, 47-57,2012(SCI-E).
3. J. Wu and S. R. Chen. “Probabilistic dynamic behavior of long-span bridge under extreme events”, Engineering Structures, 33(5), 1657-1665. 2011(SCI).
4. W.S. Han, J. Wu, C.S.Cai and S.R.Chen. “Characteristics and Dynamic Impact of Overloaded Extra Heavy Trucks on Typical Highway Bridges” , Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE, 20(2), 2015(SCI-E). (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000666)
5.武隽,杨飞,院素静,韩万水.”特重车流作用下大跨拱桥动态响应分析”,建筑科学与工程学报,2014,31(1), 68-75.
6. 武隽,赵敏,文峰,戴杰. “正常交通状态下基于移动TMD响应的桥梁快速损伤识别方法”,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)”,2014, 38(3), 525-528.
7. 武隽,袁阳光,陈安洋等. “基于移动TMD加速度响应的桥梁损伤检测新方法研究”,2014,中外公路,34(4), 162-166.
8. 武隽,杨飞,韩万水. “基于实测和CA模型的大跨桥梁车辆荷载模拟”,铁道科学与工程学报,2014, 11(4), 14-18.
9.韩万水,马麟,汪炳,院素静,武隽. “随机车辆-桥梁系统耦合振动精细化分析与动态可视化”,中国公路学报,2013, 26(4), 78-87
10.韩万水, 闫君媛,武隽. “李彦伟.基于长期监测的特重车流作用下桥梁动态放大系数研究”,工程力学(已接受,等待发表).
11. S. R. Chen and J. Wu. “Modeling stochastic live load for long-span bridge based on microscopic traffic flow”, Computer and Structures, 89(9-10), 813-824. 2011 (SCI)
12. S. R. Chen, F. Chen and J. Wu. “Multi-scale traffic safety and operational performance study of large trucks on mountainous interstate highway”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 535-544. 2010(SCI)
13. S. R. Chen and J. Wu. “Dynamic performance simulation of long-span bridge under combined loads of stochastic traffic and wind”, Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE, 15(3), 219-230. 2010(SCI-E)
14. S. R. Chen, F. Chen, J. H. Liu, J. Wu and B. Bienkiewicz. “Mobile mapping technology of wind velocity data along highway for traffic safety evaluation”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology, 18, 507-518. 2010(SCI-E)
1. J. Wu, F. Yang and W. S. Han. “Assessment of Vehicle Load Effect of Long-Span Bridges Using Cellular Automaton Traffic Model”, Transportation Research Board 2015, Washington, D.C. Jan 10-15,2015. (presentated)
2. Y. F. Zhou, J. Wu and S. R. Chen. “Characterizing design live loads of slender long- span cable-stayed bridge subjected to wind”, EMI 2012 Conference, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE, South Bend, IL, June 17-20, 2012.
3. J. Wu, Y. F. Zhou and S. R. Chen. “Wind-induced performance of long-span bridge with modified cross-section profiles by stochastic traffic”, EMI 2012 Conference, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE, South Bend, IL, June 17-20, 2012.
4. S. R. Chen, J. Wu and Y. F. Zhou. “Study of dynamic service load of slender long-span bridges”, EMI 2011 Conference, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE, Boston, MA, June 1-4, 2011.
5. S. R. Chen, J. Wu, J. W. van de Lindt and R. Nelson. “Lifetime performance of long-span bridges-from methodology to application”, NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference 2011, Atlanta, Jan 4-7, 2011.
6. S. R. Chen and J. Wu. “Scenario-based service load for fatigue analysis of long-span bridges”, Proceeding of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2010, Los Angeles, August 8-11, 2010.
7. J. Wu and S. R. Chen. “Dynamic performance of long-span bridges in extreme events”, Proceeding of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2010, Los Angeles, August 8-11, 2010.
8. F. Chen, S. R. Chen, J. H. Liu and J. Wu. “Site-specific wind data acquisition and analysis with geospatial mobile testing technology”, 11th American Conference on Wind Engineering, Puerto Rico, June 22-26 2009.
9. J. Wu and S. R. Chen. “An innovative approach to estimate long-span bridge’s safety under e
►奖励荣誉 Award
武隽是Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE),Advances in Structural Engineering 和Journal of Zhejiang University的审稿人,并于2012年被Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE)授予“优秀审稿人”。
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