姓名:温煦 性别:男 所在学院:教育学院 职称:讲师
1.Wen, X., Wang, M., Jiang, C.M., Zhang, Y. M. Anthropometric Equation for Estimation of Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in Chinese Adults. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (Accepted) (SCI)
2.Wen, X., Wang, M., Jiang, C.M., Zhang, Y. M. Are Current Definitions of Sarcopenia Applicable for Older Chinese Adults? The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. (Accepted) (SCI)
3.Wen, X., Hui SC. Parenting Style as a Moderator of Association Between Parenting behaviors and Adolescent’s weight status. The Journal of Early Adolescence.(In press)(SSCI)
4.Wen, X., Hui SC. Chinese Parents’ Perceptions of their Children’s Weights and their Relation to Parenting Behaviors. Child: Care, Health, Development. 2011,37(3):343-351 (SCI, SSCI)
5.温煦. 效应量:体育科研中不应忽略的统计量.中国体育科技,2011, 47: 142-144.
6.温煦,王梅,张一民,江崇民. 中国城镇居民骨骼肌含量和骨骼肌力量在增龄过程中的变化.体育科学, 2010,30(3):36-41.
7.温煦,许世全. 睡眠时间、身体活动水平与肥胖的关系初探. 中国运动医学杂志, 2009,28(4):367-371.
8.温煦,王梅,许世全. 骨骼肌减少症的研究进展. 中国运动医学杂志,2008,27(5): 670-673.
9.刘智彪,张胜年,于长江,温煦,陈宏喜,陈严.我国健身指导系统软件研究现状, 中国运动医学杂志,2007, 26(1):124-127.
10.陈严,郝卫亚,温煦,庄洁.简易力量测试法和等速肌力测试相关性研究. 体育科学,2006,26(9):44-46.
11.温煦,陈佩杰,魏勇. 力量训练对血压的影响. 体育科学, 2006,26(2):70-73
1.温煦. 中国7-18岁青少年四肢骨骼肌含量的预测方程研究. 第十届华人运动生理及体适能学者学会年会暨学术研讨会. 台湾,高雄. 2011.7.16-17日.
2.Wen, X., Hui SC. Lack of exercise rather than long sitting time is the risk factor for obesity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2009, 41(5) (Supplement): S16
3.Wen, X., Hui SC. Association between physical activity, physical fitness and sleep disorder in Hong Kong Chinese Adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2008, 40 (5) (Supplement): S480.
4.Wen, X., Hui SC, Lu, DJ. Comparison of stature and body composition in 7-18 year old students in Hong Kong and Shanghai. The proceeding of International Conference on Childhood Obesity: Evidence and Practice from Exercise Science. 2008. pp. 29
5.Wen, X., Hui SC. Association between physical activity, sleep duration and obesity in Hong Kong Chinese adults. The proceeding of 2nd HKASMSS Student Conference on Sport Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science. 2008.pp.13
6.Wen, X., Hui SC. Comparison of prevalence of obesity in adults among Hong Kong, mainland China and United States. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2007, 39 (5) (Supplement): S175.
7.温煦,王梅. 增龄过程中骨骼肌含量和骨骼肌力量在的变化. 中国体质与健康促进学术研讨会论文集.中国,大连, 2006年8月12-14日.
8.Wen, X., Wang, M. Effect of resistance training on blood pressure. The Proceeding of FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Beijing, China. June 14 - 16, 2006.
9.温煦,魏勇. 一周大运动量训练对于柔道青少年女运动员的影响. 2004年上海运动医学和物理治疗年会论文集. 中国,上海, 2004年11月8日
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