姓名:方伟 性别:男 所在学院:光电信息工程学系 职称:副教授
2000-2006 美国西北大学(Northwestern University)物理系(博士) 1995-1999 北京大学物理系(本科)
2009-至今 浙江大学光电系 2006-2008 美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)(博士后)
1.纳米光子学及量子光学 2.光学微盘激光器、变形微腔和量子混沌 3.基于半导体量子点的腔量子电动力学
Jintian Lin, Shangjie Yu, Yaoguang Ma, Wei Fang, Fei He, Lingling Qiao, Limin Tong, Ya Cheng, and Zhizhan Xu, “On-chip three-dimensional high-Q microcavities fabricated by femtosecond laser direct writing,” Opt. Express 20, 10212 (2012)
Fuxing Gu, Huakang Yu, Wei Fang, Limin Tong, “Low-threshold supercontinuum generation in semiconductor nanoribbons by continuous-wave pumping,” Opt. Express 20, 8667 (2012)
Q. H. Song, Li Ge, J. Wiersig, J.-B. Shim, J. Unterhinninghofen, A. Eberspächer, W. Fang, G. S. Solomon, and Hui Cao, “Wavelength-scale deformed microdisk lasers,” Phys. Rev. A 84, 063843 (2011)
Fuxing Gu, Huakang Yu, Wei Fang, and Limin Tong, “Broad spectral response in composition-graded CdSSe single nanowires via waveguiding excitation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 181111 (2011)
Fuxing Gu; Lei Zhang; Huakang Yu; Wei Fang; Jiming Bao; Limin Tong, “Large defect-induced sub-bandgap photoresponse in semiconductor nanowires via waveguiding excitation,” Nanotechnology 22, 425201 (2011)
Huakang Yu, Wei Fang, Fuxing Gu, Min Qiu, Zongyin Yang, and Limin Tong, “Longitudinal Lorentz force on a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber,” Phys. Rev. A 83, 053830 (2011)
Q. H. Song, L. Ge, A. D. Stone, H. Cao, J. Wiersig, J.-B. Shim, J. Unterhinninghofen, W. Fang, and G. S. Solomon, “Directional Laser Emission from a Wavelength-Scale Chaotic Microcavity,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 103902 (2010)
J. Fu, H. Dong, and W. Fang, “Subwavelength focusing of light by a tapered microtube,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 041114 (2010)
P. S. Kuo, W. Fang, and G. S. Solomon, “4-quasi-phase-matched interactions in GaAs microdisk cavities,” Optics Letters 34, 3580 (2009)
Andress Muller, Wei Fang, John Lawall, and Glenn S. Solomon, “Creating Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs from a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Using the Optical Stark Effect,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 217402 (2009)
Qinghai Song, Wei Fang, Boyang Liu, Seng-Tiong Ho, Glenn S. Solomon, and Hui Cao, “Chaotic microcavity laser with high quality factor and unidirectional output,” Phys. Rev. A 80, 041807(R) (2009)
Shanshan Wang, Zhifang Hu, Huakang Yu, Wei Fang, Min Qiu, and Limin Tong, “Endface reflectivities of optical nanowires”, Optics Express 17, 10881 (2009)
Andress Muller, Wei Fang, John Lawall, and Glenn S. Solomon, “Emission spectrum of a dressed exciton-biexciton complex in a semiconductor quantum dot,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 027401 (2008)
W. Fang, and H. Cao, “Wave interference effect on polymer microstadium laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 041108 (2007)
Z. G. Xie, S. Goetzinger, W. Fang, H. Cao, and G. S. Solomon, “Influence of a Single Quantum Dot State on the Characteristics of a Microdisk Laser,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117401 (2007)
W. Fang, H. Cao, and G. S. Solomon, “Control of lasing in fully chaotic open microcavities by tailoring the shape factor,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 081108 (2007)
X. Wu, W. Fang, A. Yamilov, A. A. Chabanov, A. A. Asatryan, L. C. Botten, and H. Cao, “Random lasing in weakly scattering systems,” Phys. Rev. A. 74, 053812 (2006)
W. Fang, A. Yamilov, and H. Cao, “Analysis of high-quality modes in open chaotic microcavities,” Phys. Rev. A 72, 023815 (2005)
W. Fang, H. Cao, Viktor Podolskiy, and Evgnii Narimanov, “Dynamical localization in microdisk lasers,” Optics Express 13, 5641 (2005)
Z. Xie, W. Fang, H. Cao, and G. S. Solomon, "Regrowth dynamics of InAs quantum dots on the GaAs circular mesa," J. Crystal Growth 278, 342 (2005)
W. Fang, D. Buchholz, R. Bailey, J. Hupp, P. Chang, and H. Cao, “Detection of chemical species using ultraviolet microdisk lasers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3666 (2004)
V. A. Podolskiy, E. E. Narimanov, W. Fang, and H. Cao, “Chaotic Microlasers based on dynamical localization,” Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci. 101, 10498 (2004)
X. Liu, W. Fang, Y. Huang, X. H. Wu, S. T. Ho, H. Cao, R. P. H. Chang, “Optically-pumped ultraviolet microdisk laser on a silicon substrate,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2488 (2004)
W. Fang, J. Y. Xu, A. Yamilov, H. Cao, Y. Ma, S. T. Ho, and G. S. Solomon,“Large enhancement of spontaneous emission rates of InAs quantum dots in GaAs microdisks,” Optics Letters 27, 948 (2002)
Y. C. Kong, D. P. Yu, B. Zhang, W. Fang, and S. Q. Feng, “Ultraviolet-emitting ZnO nanowires synthesized by a physical vapor deposition approach,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 407 (2001)
Bei Zhang; Wei Fang; Dajun Wang; Feng Luan, “Anisotropic radiation pattern from InGaAlP quantum well mesa-like microdisks,” Solid State Comm. 116, 201 (2000)
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