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  邮箱:hongma (at) zju.edu.cn



  2008年于香港科技大学获得博士学位。曾在新加坡管理大学和香港城市大学从事科研和教学工作。主要从事供应链管理和优化方面的研究,近年来在Communications of the ACM (CACM)、European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR)、Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI/IAAI)等国际知名学术期刊及重要国际学术会议上发表了多篇有影响力的学术论文。

  Dr. Hong Ma received the Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. He was subsequently employed as a visiting assistant professor by Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University and as a senior researcher by the City University of Hong Kong. In 2011, he joined Zhejiang University where he is currently an Associate Professor. His main research interests are in supply chain management and combinatorial optimization. He has published in Communications of the ACM, European Journal of Operational Research, and Omega, among others.
  Selected journal publications (* denotes correspondence author)
  A. Lim, Hong Ma*, C. Qiu, W. Zhu, 2013,Forthcoming, "The Single Container Loading Problem with Axle Weight Constraints", International Journal of Production Economics. (SCI)
  A. Lim, Hong Ma*, B. Rodrigues, S. Tan and F. Xiao, 2013, “New meta-heuristics for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem”, 25, 1-2, pp 48-73, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (formerly known as the International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems). (SCI)
  Hong Ma, B. Cheang, A. Lim, L. Zhang and Y. Zhu, 2012, "An Investigation into the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window and Link Capacity Constraints", 40, 3, pp.336-347, OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science. (SCI/SSCI)
  A. Lim, Hong Ma*, J. Xu and X. Zhang, 2012, "An Iterated Construction Approach with Dynamic Prioritization for Solving the Container Loading Problems'', 39, 4, pp.4292–4305, Expert Systems with Applications. (SCI)
  A. Lim, Hong Ma*, B. Rodrigues, S. Tan and F. Xiao, 2011, "New Concepts for Activity Float in Resource-Constrained Project Management", 38, 6, pp.917-930 , Computers and Operations Research. (SCI)
  Hong Ma, Z. Miao, A. Lim, and B. Rodrigues, 2011, "Crossdocking Distribution Networks with Setup Cost and Time Window Constraint'', 39, 1, pp.64-72, OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science. (SCI/SSCI)
  Z. Miao, A. Lim, Hong Ma*, 2009, "Truck Dock Assignment Problem with Operational Time Constraint within Crossdocks'', 192, 1, pp.105-115, European Journal of Operational Research. (SCI)
  A. Lim, Hong Ma, Q. Wen, Z. Xu, and B. Cheang, 2009, "Distinguishing Citation Quality for Journal Impact Assessment'', 52, 8, pp.111-116, Communications of the ACM. (SCI)
  Selected conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)
  Appeared in IAAI 2007 (Vancouver, Canada), LNCS 4031 (IEA/AIE 2006, Annecy, France), LNCS 3982 (ICCSA 2006, Glasgow, UK), LNCS 3809 (AUAI 2005, Sydney, Australia)
  Innovation Applications on Artificial Intelligence Award, AAAI/IAAI, 2007
  Projects (PI)
  SMU DART fund - no. C207146, 2008-2009
  NSFC for Young Scholars - no. 71201141, "Vehicle routing and facility clustering in a large-scale logistics system", 2013-2015






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