
高猛,男,1981年10月生,博士,副研究员。 2008年毕业于兰州大学数学与统计学院,获应用数学理学博士学位
(1) M. Gao, H. Zhang, Sequential Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation in nonlinear state-space models, Computers & Geosciences, in press.
(2) H. Zhang, M. Gao, Z. Li, The ambivalent effect of lattice structure on a spatial game, Physica A-Statistical Physics and Application, (2011) 390: 1961-1972.
(3) M. Gao, Continuous probabilistic analysis to evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations, Bull. Math. Biol., (2009), 71:1148-1159.
(4) M. Gao., H.Shi, Z. Li, Chaos in a seasonally and periodically forced phytoplankton–zooplankton system. Nonl. Anal. B-Real world applications. (2009) 10:1643-1650.
(5) M. Gao, H. Shi, Z. Li, A planktonic resource–consumer model with a temporal delay in nutrient recycling. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 339(2008): 511-516.
(6) M. Gao, W. Li, Z. Li, H. Dai, H. Liu, Spatial synchrony in host–parasitoid populations. Ecological Modelling, 204(2007)29-39
(7) M. Gao, Z. Li , H. Dai, Effects on spectral color of a spatially-structured population: Environmental noise, dispersal, spatial heterogeneity. Ecological Modelling 201 (2007) 326–330.
(8) M. Gao, Z. Li, Asymptotical stability and spatial patterns of a spatial cyclic competitive system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 183 (2006) 1165–1169.
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