导师姓名 侯蓉晖
性别 女
出生年月 1980.6
导师类别 硕导
职称 副教授
办公电话 88201002
工作单位 信息科学研究所
办公地址 老科技楼A217
电子邮箱 rhhou@xidian.edu.cn
招生专业 通信与信息系统
认知无线网络、ad hoc网络、无线传感器网络、认知无线网络组网技术、路由技术、QoS机制研究
[1]Ronghui Hou, Sikai Qu, Hongfei Zeng, King-Shan Lui, and Jiandong Li, “Coding and Interference aware routing in multi-hop wireless networks,” to appear in Globecom’2011
[2]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Fred Baker, and Jiandong Li, “Hop-by-hop Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks with Bandwidth Guarantees,” to appear IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
[3]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Fred Baker, and Jiandong Li, “Hierarchical QoS Routing in Next Generation Optical Networks,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 15, pp. 2129-2138, August 2010.
[4]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, and Jiandong Li, “Routing in Multi-radio Multi-channel Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks with Bandwidth Guarantees,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2011
[5]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, and Jiandong Li, “Coding Aware Routing in Wireless Networks with Bandwidth Guarantees,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2011
[6]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Hon-Sun Chiu, Kwan L. Yeung, and Fred Baker, “Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks with Bandwidth Guarantees,” ACM MobiHoc’09 (poster), pp. 353-354, May 2009.
[7]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Ka-Cheong Leung, and Fred Baker, “An Approximation Algorithm for QoS Routing with Two Additive Constraints,” 16th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2008), pp. 147-156, October 2008, (Acceptance rate: 16%)
[8]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Ka-Cheong Leung, and Fred Baker, “Routing with QoS Information Aggregation in Hierarchical Networks,” 17th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), pp. 1-9, July 2009.
[9]Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Ka-Cheong Leung, and Fred Baker, “Approximation Algorithm for QoS Routing with Multiple Additive Constraints,” IEEE ICC’09, pp. 1-5, June 2009.
[10] Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Ka-Cheong Leung, and Fred Baker, “Aggregation-Based QoS Routing in the Internet,” Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 239-246, March 2010. Ronghui Hou, Haoshan Shi, “A Localized Algorithm for Finding Disjoint Paths in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 807-809, 2006.
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