导师姓名 张海宾 导师类型 硕士生导师 工作状态 在职 职称 副教授 最高学历 博士
[1]. Haibin Zhang and Zhenhua Duan. Symbolic Algorithmic Analysis of Rectangular Hybrid Systems. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2009. 24(3): 531-543.(SCI: 000266386500011)
[2]. Haibin Zhang and Zhenhua Duan. Symbolic Algorithm Analysis of Hybrid Systems. Proceeding of The 5th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC’08). 2008. LNCS 4978. pp. 294-305.
[3]. Haibin Zhang and Zhenhua Duan. Model Checking Rectangular Hybrid Systems With Timed Computation Tree Logic. Proceeding of 4th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering. pp. 126-131. 2010.
[4]. Haibin Zhang and Zhenhua Duan. Symbolic Reachability Analysis of Rectangular Hybrid Systems. Proceeding of The 2th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP’06). 2006. pp. 240-248.
[5]. Haibin Zhang and long Zhang. Synthesis of Hybrid Systems. Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on System Design and Data Proceesing. pp. 284-287, 2011.
[6]. Haibin Zhang, Weijun Zhun and long Zhang. Model Checking Hybrid Systems Within Hybrid Temporal Logic. Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on System Design and Data Proceesing. pp. 319-322, 2011.
[7]. Haibin Zhang, Xiaobing Wang, Liya Yang. Structures for Reachability Problems of Multirate Hybrid Systems. Proceeding of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design and Applications. accepted paper.
[8]. Haibin Zhang, Bohu Huang, Long Zhang. Model checking Multirate Hybrid Systems with Dense Timed Interval Temporal Logic. Proceeding of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design and Applications. accepted paper.
[9]. Weijun Zhu, Zhongyong Wang, Haibin Zhang. Intrusion Detection based on Model Checking Projection Temporal Logic, China Communications, 8(3): 66-72, 2011.
[10]. 张海宾,段振华. 混合系统的符号化可达性分析.软件学报.2008. 19(12): 3111-3121.
[11]. 朱维军, 张海宾, 周清雷. 离散时间区间时序逻辑可满足性的判定. 电子学报. 2010. 38(5): 1039-1045.
[12]. 张海宾,段振华. 稠密时间区间时序逻辑的可满足性判定. 西安电子科技大学学报. 2007. 34(3): 463-467.
[13]. 张海宾,段振华. 多速率混合系统的符号化可达性分析. 西安交通大学学报. 2007. 41(4): 412-415.
[14]. 张海宾,段振华. 多速率混合系统的模型检测. 西安电子科技大学学报. 2008. 35(1): 60-64.
[15]. 张海宾,段振华. 区间时序逻辑的模型检测. 西安电子科技大学学报. 2009. 36(2): 338-342.
[16]. 张海宾,段振华.混合投影时序逻辑与混合系统的形式化验证. 计算机科学. 2007. 34(11): 279-282.
[17]. 朱维军,张海宾,周清雷. 命题投影时序逻辑并发建模与自动验证,华中科技大学学报, 2010. 38(8): 77-80.
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