- Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Honggen Li, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu. “Simultaneous evaluation of the linear and quadratic electro-optic coefficients of the nonlinear optical polymer by attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 103105 (2011)
- Kankai Pan, Xiaoxu Deng, Honggen Li, Wen Yuan, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “Experimental investigation of first hyperpolarizability by a prism coupling waveguide method.” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49, 062501(2010)
- Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “The dispersion measurement of quadratic electrooptic effect of a linear conjugated polymer.” IEEE Journal of quantum electronics. 45, 542(2009)
- Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Honggen Li, Qishun Shen, Wen Yuan, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “A further exploitation of the attenuated-total-reflection technique to measure the complex second hyperpolarizability for quadratic electro-optic effect of linear conjugated polymer.” Europhysics Letters. 87, 24003 (2009)
- Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Li, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen and Honggen Li, “Investigation of the influence of photobleaching process on the thermo-optic coefficient of disperse red 1/poly(methl methacrylate) film.” Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 47, 708 (2009)
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- Xiaoxu Deng, Pingping Xiao, Xiang Zhang, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Kun Zhu, Honggen Li, Wei Wei, Shixiang Xie and Zhijian Zhang, “An electro-optic polymer modulator based on the free-space coupling technique.” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10, 015305(2008)
- Jianda Xie, Lihua Hu, Wenfang Shi, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao and Qishun Shen, “Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of hyperbranched polytriazole containing second-order nonlinear optical chromophore.” Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 46,1140(2008)
- Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, and Honggen Li, “Fast speed electro-optic polymer variable optical attenuator based on cascaded attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 151124 (2007)
- Jianda Xie, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wenquan Zhang and Wenfang Shi, “Synthesis and second-order nonlinear optical properties of hyperbranched polymers containing pendant azobenzene chromophores.” Polymer. 48, 5988(2007)
- Wenquan Zhang, Jianda Xie, Wenfang Shi, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao and Qishun Shen, “Second-harmonic properties of dendritic polymers skeleton-constructed with azobenzene moiety used for nonlinear optical materials.” Eur.Polym.J. 44, 872(2007)
- Lin Chen, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Xiaoxu Deng, Fang Ou, and Yaojun Feng, “Wavelength sensing with subpicometer resolution using ultrahigh order modes.” J.Lightwave.Technol. 25, 539(2007)
- Pengyi Su, Zhuangqi Cao, Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Chunxiang Liu, and Qishun Shen, "Explicit expression of light reflection from inhomogeneous planar structures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 24, 3077 (2007)
- Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao and Qishun Shen, “New scheme of two-channel WDM modulation with cascaded attenuated-total-reflection modulators.” Optics & Laser Technology. 39, 946(2007)
- Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, Zhijian Zhang and Shixiang Xie, “Determination of dc Kerr coefficients of polymer films with prism-optical waveguide configuration.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021106 (2006)
- Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Feng Wang, Zhuangqi Cao, and Qishun Shen, "Investigation of second-order nonlinearity in poled-polymer during photobleaching," Opt. Exp. 14, 2791 (2006)
- Jianhong Zhou, Zhuangqi Cao, Xiaoxu Deng, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, Zhijian Zhang and Shixiang Xie, “An attenuated total internally reflected light modulator utilizing quadratic electro-optic polymer film.” J.Opt.A: Pure.Appl.Opt. 8, 996(2006)
- Haifeng Lu, Zhuangqi Cao, Honggen Li, Qishen Shen and Xiaoxu Deng, “Polarization-independent and tunable comb filter based on a free-space coupling technique.”Opt. Lett. 31, 86(2006)
- Fan Chen, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Xiaoxu Deng, Biming Duan, Wen Yuan, Minghuang Sang, and Shengqian Wang, “Nanoscale displacement measurement in a variable-air-gap optical waveguide.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 161111 (2006)
- Xiangmin Liu, Pengfei Zhu, Zhuangqi Cao, Xiaoxu Deng, Qishun Shen and Jialin Chen, “Spectral shaping of femtosecond pulses with a prism-waveguide coupler.”J.Opt. A:Pure Appl.Opt. 8, 454(2006)
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