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作者 论文标题 期刊名 出版年 卷期页码
Zhu LY, Narrow band imaging: application for early-stage gastrointestinal neoplasia.  J Dig Dis.  2014  15(5):217-223 
Ling Yin Zhu, Jun Dai, Yun Jia Zhao, Han Bin Xue, Zhi Zheng Ge, Endoscopic resection for gastric epithelial neoplasia: how to solve pathological discrepancy and achieve curative resection?  J Dig Dis.   2013  14(5):231-237 
Li Hai-Yan, Dai Jun, Xue Han-Bing, Zhao Yun-Jia, Chen Xiao-Yu, Gao Yun-Jie, Song Yan, Ge Zhi-Zheng, Application of magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging in diagnosing gastric lesions: a prospective study.   Gastrointestinal Endoscopy  2012  76(6):1124-32 
林炜炜,顾立扬,任玲,宋燕,戈之铮, 低剂量聚乙二醇联合硫酸镁用于肠道准备的效果评价   胃肠病学  2012  17(1):10-13 
Li-Yang Gu, Wei-Wei Lin, Hong Lu, Xiao-Yu Chen, Zhi-Zheng Ge, Quadruple Therapy with Medications Containing Either Rufloxacin or Furazolidone as a Rescue regimen in the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori-Infected Dyspepsia Patients: A Randomized Pilot Study.  Helicobacter  2011  16(4):284-288 
, Huimin Chen, Yunjie Gao, Xiaoyu Chen, Zhizheng Ge  Prediction of histology and invasive depth of colorectal neoplasia based on morphology of surface depression using magnifying chromocolonoscopy  Int J Colerec Dis  2010  25(1):79-85 
, Huimin Chen, Hong Lu, Weiguang Li, Xiaoyu Chen, Yansheng Peng, Zhizheng Ge  The study on the Role of Inflammatory Cells and Mediators in Post Infectious Functional Dyspepsia  Scand J Gastroenterol  2010  45(5):573-581 
, 陈慧敏, 高云杰, 沈镭, 薛寒冰, 赵韫嘉, 陈晓宇, 戈之铮  放大色素内镜在结直肠肿瘤内镜黏膜切除治疗中的应用  中华消化杂志  2010  30(1):7-10 
陈慧敏,, 姜智敏, 赵韫嘉, 戈之铮  伊托必利治疗功能性消化不良重叠便秘型肠易激综合征疗效观察  中华消化杂志  2010  30(2):102-105 
, 陈慧敏, 戴军, 高云杰, 戈之铮.  胶囊内镜指导双气囊内镜进镜方式的临床研究  中华消化内镜杂志  2010  27(8):396-398 
陈慧敏,, 戈之铮  雷贝拉唑和铝碳酸镁治疗胆囊切除术后伴胆汁反流的胃炎作用比较  中华消化杂志  2010  30(8):529-534 
, 戴军, 陈慧敏, 庄捷, 宋燕, 高云杰, 戈之铮.  对双气囊内镜检查深度全新评估方法的初步研究  中华消化内镜杂志  2010  27(12):625-628 
, 宋燕, 戴军, 高云杰, 戈之铮  螺旋管式小肠镜临床应用价值初探  中华消化内镜杂志  2010  27(1):9-11 
, Dai J, Chen HM, Zhuang J, Song Y, Gao YJ, Ge ZZ.  A novel modality on estimation of the enteroscopic insertion depth at double-balloon enteroscopy.   Gastrointestinal Endoscopy  2010  72(5):999-1005 
Huimin Chen,, Zhizheng Ge,Yunjie Gao, Xiaoyu Chen, Yun Cui  Rabeprazole combined with hydrotalcite is effective for patients with bile reflux gastritis after cholecystectomy  Can J Gastroenterol  2010  24(3):197-201 
, 陈慧敏, 高云杰, 陈晓宇, 戈之铮  结直肠肿瘤表面凹陷形态对判断病变性质及浸润深度的作用  中华消化内镜杂志  2010  27(2):69-73 
, Dai J, Lu H, Gao Y, Chen H, Ge Z  A prospective study on evaluating the diagnostic yield of video capsule endoscopy followed by directed double-balloon enteroscopy in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding  Dig Dis Sci  2010  55(6):1704-10 
, Hui Min CHEN, Hong LU, Qing ZHENG, Xiao Yu CHEN, Yan Shen PENG, Zhi Zheng GE, Wen Zhong LIU  Role of Helicobacter pylori infection on neuronal expression in the stomach and spinal cord of a murine model  J Dig Dis  2009  10(4):286-292 
, Chen H, Dai J, Gao Y, Ge Z  Predictive role of capsule endoscopy on the selection of the insertion route of a following double-balloon enteroscopy  Endoscopy  2009  41(9):762-766 
Huimin Chen,, Zhizheng Ge  Comparative study on two colonic bowel preparations for patients with chronic constipation  Scand J Gastroenterol  2009  44(3):375-379 
, Hong LU, XiaoYu, CHEN, ZhiZheng GE  Comparative study on two colonic bowel preparations for patients with chronic constipation  J Dig Dis  2008  9(4):208-212 
, Ge ZZ, Chen XY, Liu WZ  Duodenal gastric metaplasia and Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with diffuse nodular duodenitis  Bra J Med Bio Res  2007  40(7):897-902 





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