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作者 论文标题 期刊名 出版年 卷期页码
Li M,,Tan R,Liu Z,Yin J,Qu H  Risk factors for slowly resolving pneumonia in the intensive care unit  J Microbiol Immunol Infect  2014  0(0):0-0 
Yong Li,Hong-Ping Qu,,Huan-Ying Wan  Correlation between group behavior and quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia  Journal of Thoracic Disease  2014  6(6):810-817 
,Hongping Qu,Qingyun Li,Liang Ye,Guanhua Ma Huanying Wan  The responses of γδ T-cells against acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infection in mice via interleukin-17  Pathogens and Disease  2013  68(2):44-51 
,Yun Feng,Kun Yang,Qingyun Li,Liang Ye,Lizhong Han Huanying Wan  Earlyproduction of IL-17 protects against acute pulmonary Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice  FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol  2011  61(2):179-88 
YUN FENG,HUANYING WAN,,RUIFENG ZHANG,QINYUN MA,BING HAN,YI XIANG,JIAMING CHE,HUANGMING CAO,XIAOCHUN FEI,WEICHENG QIU  The angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in tumor growth and tumor-associated angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer  ONCOLOGY REPORTS  2010  (23):941-948 





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