
[1] Zhu Qiuyu, Li yichun. Phantom elimination based on linear stability and local intensity disparity for sonar images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013.11, 8228 LNCS(3), EI:20140617280623
[2] Zhu Qiuyu, Li yichun. Super-resolution and de-noising for portrait images using compressive sensing. Proceedings of the 2013 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications, 2013.1, EI:20131016085617
[3] Zhu Qiuyu, Chen Bo. Target positioning of multiple cameras for dense crowd based on line-of-sight constraint. 2013 IET International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, 2013.8, EI:20141117440840
[4] Zhu Qiuyu, Jiang Yilong, Chen Bo. Design and implementation of video-based detection system for wharf ship. 2013 IET International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, 2013.8, EI:20141117440883
[5] Li Wenhui,Wang Xuzhi, Zhu Qiuyu. Topology analysis and clustering for localized network in SINA Weibo. 2013 IET International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, 2013.8, EI:20141117440830
[6] 朱秋煜,李琦铭,陈岳川, 基于视差和帧差的图割优化运动目标分割算法, 电视技术, 2012年13期, 135-139页,2012年
[7] Zhu Qiuyu, Estimating Principal Point and Nonlinear Parameters of Camera from a Planar Calibration Image, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume: 7663 LNCS, Issue: PART 1, pp.16-24, Nov. 2012, EI: 20124715683049
[8] Zhu Qiuyu, Li Yichun, Jiang Yilong, Line-type Moving Object Detection for Sonar Images, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume: 331 CCI, pp.189-196, Nov. 2012, EI: 20124515640294
[9] Zhu Qiuyu, Li Yichun, A Practical Estimating Method of Camera's Focal Length and Extrinsic Parameters from a Planar Calibration Image, 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, pp.138-142, Jan. 2012, Sanya, China, EI: 20122015031779
[10]Qiuyu Zhu, Qiming Li, and Yuechuan Chen, Region Disparity Estimation and Object Segmentation Based on Graph Cut and Combination of Multiple Features,2012 Third International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, pp.610-613, July 15-17 2012, Dalian, China, EI:20130415917559
[11]Qiuyu Zhu, A Technique of Camera Calibration Using Single Planar Calibration Image, The 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Oct. 2012, Chongqing, China, EI: 20131216133869
[12]Zhu Qiuyu, JIANG Yi-ping, DENG Wei-jun, TANG Li, A Crowdedness Estimation Approach Based on Stereovision for Bus Passenger. J. Shanghai Univ (Engl Ed), 14卷,1期,17-23页, 2010.
[13] Zhu Qiuyu, Tang Li, Jiang Yiping, Deng Wei-jun, A Novel Approach of Counting People Based on Stereovision and DSP, The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, pp.81-84, Feb. 26-28, 2010, Singapore, EI: 20102112955327
[14]Yiping Jiang, Qiuyu Zhu* and Qiming Li. A Novel Practical Approach of Camera Calibration for Binocular Stereo Vision System. 2010 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, pp.V2243-V2247, Aug. 2010, Chengdu, China, EI: 20104613373879
[4]朱秋煜,所文俊,王锦柏,陈波,袁赛,王国威,徐建忠.基于Kinect的人流计数方法.申请日:2013-10-09, 发明号:201310464624.4
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