2003年9月-2006年7月 中国人民大学法学院,获法律史博士学位。
2000年9月-2003年7月 中国人民大学法学院,获法律史硕士学位。
1996年9月-2000年7月 南京大学法律系,获法学学士学位。
Law School of Renmin University of China, Doctor of Law History Sep.2003-July.2006
Law School of Renmin University of China, Master of Law History Sep.2000-July.2003
Law School of Renmin University of China, Bachelor of Laws Sep.1996-July.2000
Research Interests
Roman Law, German Law, European Law, Comparative Law
Courses Taught
History of Foreign Laws, History of Chinese Laws
Part-time Lawyer
2007年 获北京市社会科学理论书籍出版基金资助
2006年 获中国法学会外国法制史研究会第18届年会优秀论文一等奖
Funded by the Beijing Social Science and Theoretical Books Publishing Project in 2007
First Price of the Annual Conference of the Committee of Foreign Legal Systems Research sponsored by China Law Society
The Social Impact of the Judgments of German Case during 50 Years, second author, and published in Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law, May, 2009
On the Germanic systems, published in Research of Comparative Law, Phrase III, 2006
The Church Background of the Development of British Law in the Middle Ages, published in Academic Journal of Shanxi University(Philosophy Edition), Phrase III, 2006
On the Rise of Roman Law in Germanic Areas from 14 Century to 16 Century, second author, published in Academic Journal of Shanxi University(Philosophy Edition), Phrase III, 2004
Confucianist Law and Taoist Law and their Convergence-On the Confucianist and Taoist Origin of legalist thinking, published in Chinese and Western Legal Tradition (Volume II), September, 2002
The research of Isaacson Spiegel (Treatise), 2008, Peking University Press
History of Foreign Legal Systems (Subeditor), China University of Political Science and Law Press
Comparative Study of the Impact of Legal Reforms on the Social Changes in China and Foreign Areas( Project of the Department of Education in 2007)
Future Pattern of World Legal Systems and the Tendency of Development of Chinese Legal Systems(Comparative Study Project of East China University of Political science and Law in 2006)
Office: NO.59, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, 100872Beijing.
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