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  1. 《全面提升外汇监管和服务水平》,中国金融,2010-03-01
  2. 《改革:中国银行业立起来的基石》,今日财富(金融版),2009-04-15
  3. 《健全体制机制 完善扶持政策 扎实推进农村信用社改革取得新进展》,中国农村信用合作,2009-04-15
  4. 《零利率和数量宽松货币政策是否有效》,今日中国论坛 2009-04-05
  5. 《中国改革开放三十年的利率市场化进程》,金融研究,2009-01-25
  6. 《Evolution of China's Financial Asset Mix from 1991 to 2007 》,China Economist , 与宋平, 2009-01-15
  7. 《中国能够经受住国际金融危机的考验》,求是,2008-11-16
  8. 《中国金融资产结构演进:1991—2007》,与宋旺,经济研究,2008-08-20
  9. 《当前宏观经济金融形势与货币政策》,金融发展研究,2008-03-25
  10. 《创新有五个层次》,新疆金融,2008-02-25
  11. 《中国金融业的前景看好》,当代经济,2008-02-15
  12. 《进一步确立Shibor的基准性地位》,中国货币市场,2008-01-20
  13. 《对当前经济金融形势的分析和政策建议》,新金融,2007-11-15
  14. 《统一认识 各尽其责 推动农村金融改革再上新台阶》,中国农村信用合作,2008-01-15
  15. 《推动农村金融改革再上新台阶》,中国金融,2008-01-01
  16. 《存款准备金仍可做为常规工具冻结流动性》,中国证券业年鉴第一编,2008-01-01
  17. Judge, G., G. Yi, T. Yancey, and T. Terasvirta (1987), "The Extended Stein Procedure (ESP) for Simultaneous Model Selection and Parameter Estimation," Journal of Econometrics, 35, pp. 375-391.
  18. Terasvirta, T., G. Yi, G. Judge (1988), "Model Selection, Smoothing and Parameter Estimation in Linear Models Under Squared Error Loss," Computational Statistics Quarterly, 3, pp. 191-205.
  19. Yi, G. and G. Judge (1988), "Statistical Model Selection Criteria," Economics Letters, 28, pp. 47-51.
  20. Yi, G. (1990a), "Inflation and Price Instability, An Empirical Study of P. R. China," China Economic Review, Fall, pp. 155-165.
  21. Yi, G. (1990b), "The Price Reform and Inflation in China, 1979-88," Comparative Economic Studies, Winter, pp. 28-61.
  22. Yi, G. (1991a), "The Monetization Process in China During the Economic Reform," China Economic Review, Spring, pp. 75-95.
  23. Yi, G. (1991b) "Estimating the Variability of the Stein Estimator by Bootstrap," Economics Letters, vol. 37, pp. 293-298.
  24. Yi, G. "A Study of Money Flow in China," (1992a) in China in Transition: Economic, Political and Social Developments, edited by George Yu, University of Illinois Press.
  25. Yi, G. (1992b) "The Money Supply Mechanism in China Since the Establishment of the Central Bank," ,Journal of Asian Economics, Fall, 1992, pp. 217-238.
  26. Yi, G. (1992c) "Inflation and Price Instability in China: Reply," China Economic Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 219-223.
  27. Yi, G. (1993) "Toward Estimating the Money Demand in China," Economics of Planning, Vol. 26, pp. 243-270.






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