“减轻企业税赋,缓解当前经济困难”《改革内参》,2008年5月, 第13期,10-13页。
“中国政府债务:多么严重?”《中国金融杂志》(1卷,2期)。 转载自“China's Government Debt: How Serious?” China: An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003, 73-98.
Private Enterprises and China’s Economic Development, Co-edited with Xiaodong Zhu, Routledge, England, May 2007, 286 pages. (Reprinted in paperback in 2011)
The Chinese Economy, Vol. 42, No. 3, May-June 2009, Guest Editor, With an Introduction.
The Revival of China’s Private Enterprises, Co-edited with Shunfeng Song, Ashgate, England, May 2007.
Chinese Economy After WTO: Challenges and Strategies, Co-edited with Shuming Bao, Ashgate, England, 2006.
Social Security Reform: Options for China, Co-edited with Jason Yin and David F. Gates, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore/New Jersey, 2000.
China’s Return to Expansionary Fiscal Policy, EAI Occasional Paper, No. 26, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore/New Jersey, 1999.
2. 中文书籍:
《开放型经济中的政府财政赤字》,(著,中文) 中国社会科学出版社,北京,1997年。
“Fiscal Policy and China’s Economic Growth,” in The Rise of the BRICS in the Global Political Economy: Changing Paradigms, edited by Vai Io Lo and Mary Hiscock, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Forthcoming, 2013.
"China's Government Expenditures," in The Oxford Companion to the Economics of China edited by S. Fan, Ravi Kanbur, S. J. Wei and X. Zhang, Oxford University Press, Forthcoming, 2013.
“China’s Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Sustainability”, in Ito, T. and F. Parulian (eds.), Assessment on the Impact of Stimulus, Fiscal Transparency and Fiscal Risk. ERIA Research Project Report 2010-01, pp.77-116,2011. ERIA [online]. Available at: www.eria.org/publications/research_project_reports/images/pdf/y2010/no1/ch3China_Fiscal_Sustainability_Shuanglin_Lin.pdf
“Central Government Transfers: For Equity or for Growth?” China’s Local Public Finance in Transition, Edited by Joyce Man and Yu-Hung Hong and Danbury, CT: Westchester Book Services, 2011, 203-227.
“Pollution across Chinese Provinces,” Emerging Giants: Chinese and India in the World Economy, Coauthored with C. Co and F. Kong, Edited by Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta, Oxford University Press, 2010, 281-305.
“China’s Central-Local Fiscal Disparity,” China’s Surging Economy: Adjusting for Balanced Development, Edited by John Wong and Wei Liu, World Scientific, Singapore, 2007, 203-230.
“Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms,” China Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the People’s Republic China, Edited by Jing Luo, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2005, 193-195.
“Foreign Debt,” China Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the People’s Republic China, Edited by Jing Luo, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2005, 201-203.
“Determinants of Urban Economic Growth in China” Urbanization in China: Challenges and Opportunities, Edited by Aimin Chen and Gordon Liu, Ashgate Publishing Inc., New York, 2004.
“Tax Reforms and Government Revenues,” China's Economy into the New Century: Structural Issues and Problems, Edited by John Wong and Lu Ding, Singapore University Press and World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, 113-146.
“Too Many Fees and Too Many Charges: China Streamlines Fiscal System,” China's Economy into the New Century: Structural Issues and Problems, Edited by John Wong and Lu Ding, Singapore University Press and World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, 175-192.
“China’s Infrastructure Development,” China's Economy into the New Century: Structural Issues and Problems, Edited by John Wong and Lu Ding, Singapore University Press and World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.
“Optimal Trade-Off Analysis of Agricultural Policy: A Multiple Criteria and Multiple Economic Situation Model,” co-authored with Yong Shi, Edited by K. Lawrence, G. Reeves and R. Klimberg, Multi-Criteria Applications, Elsevier Science Inc., 165-183, 2000.
“External Debt and Economic Development: Lessons for China,” Comparison of Korean and Chinese Economic Development: Forecasting Korean-Chinese Bilateral Economic Relation , Edited by Doowon Lee and Jason Yin, Yonsei University Press, Seoul, 1999, 149-175.
“民营企业投资于中国经济增长,”《民营经济与中国发展》,林双林、王振中、尹尊声编, 北京大学出版社,2006, 247-266页。
“中国城市经济增长的决定因素,”《中国城市化:挑战与机遇》, 陈甬军、陈爱民编,厦门大学出版社,2002年。
“教育水平与失业:来自中国的证据,” 《中国劳动市场和就业问题》,王裕国、陈爱民编,西南财经大学出版社,2000年, 468-480页。
“中国外债分析,” 《新世纪中国面临的挑战与对策》,文贯中等编,人民大学出版社,2000年。
“民营企业于中国经济增长,” 《中西部民营企业发展与经济发展》,方星海、左学金编,上海社会科学出版社, 1999年, 57-74页。
“中国社会保障体系改革:理论与政策分析,” 《中国社会保障改革》,徐滇庆、尹尊生编,经济科学出版社,1999年,245-260页。
“台湾的教育与经济发展,” 《提升国际竞争力》,方星海、宋顺风编,中国经济出版社,1998年,46-62页。
“The Investment Will Pay off,” New York Time, July 7, 2011.
“One Way of Reforming the Pension System,” with Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Wing Thye-woo, China Daily, January 5, 2010.
“Solve nation's problems through public finance,” China Daily, July 26, 2006.
“改革公共财政 促进中国和谐发展,”《光明日报》,2005年10月20日。
“再分配更加注重公平 政府该如何作为?”,2012年11月19日。
“着眼素质竞争 我国应力推12年制义务教育”,2012年2月22日。
“潜在民生支出大 债务累积要慎重”,2012年1月29日。
Plenary Speech, “Population Aging and China's Social Security Reforms,” Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Public Finance, October 25, 2012, Osaka, Japan.
Goh Keng Swee Lecture: “China’s New Rounds of Tax Reform: Towards More Equitable and Sustainable Growth,” National University of Singapore, February 14, 2011.
“Population Aging and China's Social Security Reforms,” Beijing Forum, November 9, 2011.
Plenary Speech, “China’s New Rounds of Tax Reform: Towards More
Equitable and Sustainable Growth,” International Symposium on China’s New Round Tax Reforms, China Center for Public Finance, Peking University, November 15-16, 2011.
“China’s Fiscal Stimulus and Fiscal Sustainability,” Second Workshop on Fiscal Issues in Asian Economy, Singapore, February 11-12, 2011.
Invited Speech, “China’s Public Finance and Economic Development,” Kansai Institute for Social and Economic Research, Osaka, Japan, November 1, 2010.
“Fiscal Issues and Fiscal Risks in China,” Workshop on Fiscal Issues in Asian Economy, Tokyo, Japan, October 29-30, 2010.
Plenary Speech, “China’s Tax Reforms: Challenges and Options,” Joint International Conference by Peking University and Oxford University on The World Economy after the Global Financial Crisis, School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China, September 17, 2010.
Inaugural Lecture of the EAI Distinguished Public Lecture Series: “China’s Recent Public Finance Reform: Will it Help to Boost Economic Growth,” East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, December 18, 2008.
“China’s Central Government Transfers: for Equity or for Growth,” International Conference on China’s Local Taxation and Land Policy, Boston, May 5-6, 2008
Plenary Speech, “China’s Social Security Reforms,” International Conference on Regional Integration–Asia and Europe Compared, Venice, Italy, January 16-17, 2008
“Pollution across Chinese Provinces,” Co-authored with Catherine Co and F. Kong, International Conference on India and China's Role in International Trade and Finance and Global Economic Governance, 6-7 December 2007, New Delhi, India.
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