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北京大学光华管理学院金融学系研究生导师介绍: 张翼

  Bank Ownership and Executive Perquisites: New Evidence from an Emerging Market, with Wei Luo, and Ning Zhu, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2010, forthcoming
  Does Bank Ownership Increase Firm Value? Evidence from China, with Xiaochi Lin, and Ning Zhu, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2009, volume 28, issue 4
  Ownership Structure, Cash Flow, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from East Asian Economies Before the Financial Crisis, with K.C. John Wei, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2008, volume 14, issue 2
  Bank Ownership Reform and Bank Performance in China, with Xiaochi Lin, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2009, Volume 33, Issue 1
  Dual-Class Stock and the Benefits of Control, Applied Economics Letters, 2007, Volume 14, Issue 4
  Ownership Structure and Corporate Diversification, with Xi Li, Business and Politics, 2006, Vol. 8: No. 1., Article 4. http://www.bepress.com/bap/vol8/iss1/art4
  Dual-Class Stock and Firm Performance, in "One Share One Vote? Tomorrow's Companies: One Universal Model or Tailored Equity Structures?", 2006, ed. by Graham Mather, published by European Policy Forum
  王志诚,张翼,大宗股权交易与公司控制, “管理世界”,2004,5.
  《萨班斯法案内控指南》,Scott Green著, 张翼、林小驰译, 经济科学出版社, 2007
  《萨班斯法案执行指导》, Anne Marchetti著, 张翼、林小驰译, 经济科学出版社, 2007
  Conference Papers:
  Bank Ownership and Executive Perquisites: New Evidence from an Emerging Market
  2010 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meetings at San Francisco
  Is There Penalty for Crime?
  2008 American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meetings at New Orleans
  Law, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Scandal
  2007 American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meetings at Chicago
  Corporate Governance, Overinvestment, and the Asian Financial Crisis, with KC. John Wei
  2006 European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meetings at Zurich
  Is There Penalty for Crime?, with Peng Sun
  2006 European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meetings at Zurich
  Law, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Scandal
  2006 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meetings at Washington, D.C.
  Ownership Structure and Corporate Diversification, with Xi Li
  2005 Academy of Management Annual Meetings at Hawaii
  Negotiated Block Transfers and Corporate Control, with Zhicheng Wang
  2004 Financial Management Association Annual Meetings at New Orleans
  Dual-Class Stock, Firm Performance, and Valuation
  2003 Financial Management Association Annual Meetings at Denver
  1. 公司财务
  2. 公司财务专题
  3. 公司收购与兼并
  4. 金融学概论






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