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“Financial Development and Economic Growth: a VAR appraisal”, Applied Economics, 2005, forthcoming.
“Independent Directorship and Corporate Performance: some empirical evidence from China”, co-authored with Shengping Zhang, Global Business and Economics Review, 2004, December, pp.157-69.
“Finance and Growth: the empirical evidence from China”, in Song and Garnaut (eds.): China: new engine of Growth, by Asia Pacific Press, Australia, 2003, pp.25-34;
“Forecasting China’s Monthly Inbound Travel Demand”, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol.13 (2), pp.5-19, 2002;
“A Macroeconometric Model of Income Inequality in China”, International Economic Journal, Vol. 16(2), pp.47-63, 2002;
“A VAR Approach to the Economics of FDI in China”, Applied Economics, Vol. 34, pp.885-893, 2002;
“Does Financial Development Lead Economic Growth: some further testing”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 16(2), pp.153-168, 2002;
“Financial Development and Economic Growth: an Egg-and-chicken problem?’, with F.Sun and A. Morris, Review of International Economics, 2001, August, Vol. 9(3),pp.443-454.
“The Relative Impacts of Japanese VS. US Interest Rates on Local Rates in Australia and Singapore”, Applied Financial Economics, 2000, Vol.34(5), pp.2345-2349
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