1) Barber, Brad, Yi-Tsung Lee, Yu-Jane Liu, and Terrance Odean, 2006.01.06, Who Loses from Trade? Evidence from Taiwan,The 2006 Annual Meeting of American Finance Association, AFA, Boston.
2) Lin, Ji-Chai, Yi-Tsung Lee, and Yu-Jane Liu, 2005.12.14, IPO Auctions and Private Information, The 18th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 2005, School of Banking and Finance, The University of New South Wales, SYDNEY.
3) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Yu-Jane Liu, and Vivian W. Tai, 2005.10.14, Who Demand on the Brokerage House Recommendations? , 2005 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, FMA, Chicago.NSC 92-2416-H-004-054-EF
4) Lin, Ji-Chai, Yi-Tsung Lee, and Yu-Jane Liu, 2005.07.05, Why Have Auctions Been Losing Market Shares to Bookbuilding in IPO Markets? The 80th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International, WEAI, San Fransico.
5) Barber, Brad, Yi-Tsung Lee, Yu-Jane Liu, and Terrance Odean, 2004.12.21, Do Individual Day Traders Make Money? Evidence from Taiwan, 2004 NTU International Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei. (Has been re-summarized by Business Week, August 16, 2004.)
6) Barber, Brad, Yi-Tsung Lee, Yu-Jane Liu, and Terrance Odean, 2004.12.18, Who Gains from Trade? Evidence from Taiwan,The 12th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Department of Finance, NSYSU, Kaohsiung. (The Best Paper Award)
7) Barber, Brad, Yi-Tsung Lee, Yu-Jane Liu, and Terrance Odean, 2004.10.16, Do Individual Day Traders Make Money? Evidence from Taiwan, Behavioral Finance Program Meeting, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., Massachusetts, USA.
8) Lin, Ji-Chai, Yi-tsung Lee, and Yu-Jane Liu, 2003.11, Why are IPO Auctions Not Popular? The 11th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting, Taipei.
9) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Lin, Ji-Chai, and Yu-Jane Liu, 2003.10, The Performance of Auctions in Pricing IPO Shares: New Evidence, 2003 Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, Denver, US.
10) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Yu-Jane Liu, and John Wei, 2003.08, The Probit Model: An Application to the Choice of Initial Public Offerings Methods, Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistics, San Francisco, US.
11) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Ji-Chai Lin, and Yu-Jane Liu, 2003.06, The Performance of Auctions in Pricing IPO Shares: New Evidence, 2003 Annual Meeting, European Financial Management Association, Helsinki, Finland.
12) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Ji-Chai Lin, and Yu-Jane Liu, 2003.01, The Performance of Auctions in Pricing IPO Shares: New Evidence, Pacific Rim Conference, WEAI, Taipei.
13) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Yu-Jane Liu, and John Wei, 2002.07, Institutional Order Submission Strategies, Execution Costs, and Opportunity Costs, The 77thAnnual Conference of WEAI, Western Economic Association International, Seattle, USA.
14) Lee, Yi-Tsung, Yu-Jane Liu and John Wei, “Execution costs, and opportunity costs: A tradeoff analysis for institutional traders,” The 10th Security Market Theory and Practice Conference held in National Sun Yat-sen University, 2001.
15) Liaw, Gwohorng, Yu-Jane Liu and K.C. John Wei, "On the Demand Elasticity of IPO: An Analysis of Discriminatory Auctions", American Finance Assoication, 2001, NTU International Finance Conference 2000.(The Best Paper Award)
16) Y.T.Lee, Robert Fok and Yu-Jane Liu, “Information Stocks, Trading Strategies and Order Imbalance,” The First National Practices Economics Conference(The Best Paper Award)
17) K.C. John Wei, Yu-Jane Liu, Huan-Di Yi, and Le-Ming Su, “Institutional Trades and Price Impacts on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, FMA, 1998.
18) Yu-Jane Liu, Ming-Fu Shyu, “The Impact of Stock Floation on Privatization”, National Sun Yat-sen Securities and Finance Conference, Oct. 1997.
19) Z. S. Yu, Yu-Jane Liu and W. I. Dai, “The Effect of Taiwan Stabilization Funds: Under the Military Exercise from Mainland China,” National Sun Yat-sen Securities and Finance Conference, Oct. 1997.
20) Edward H. Chow, Yi-Tsung Lee and Yu-Jane Liu, “Intraday Information, trading Volume, and Return Volatiltiy: Evidence from the Order Flows on the Taiwan Stock Exchange,” FMA, Oct. 1997.
21) Lee, J.C. Lin and Yu-Jane Liu, "On the Taiwan Stock Exchange: Big Versus Small Players," PACAP/CFA, EFMA conference, July 1996.
22) Yu-Jane Liu, "Information Shocks, Trading Strategies and Order Imbalance -A Closer Look in Taiwan Stock Market," International Conference of Asian-Pacific Business Management, January 1996(Taipei).
23) Yu-Jane Liu, Edward, H. Chow and G. G. Pan, "Limit Moves and Positive Feedback Trading," The Theories and Practices in Securities and Finance Markets-National Sun Yat-sen University, 1995,(Kaoshiung)
24) Yu-Jane Liu, "Auction Mechanisms and Information Structure:An Experimental Study of Information Aggregation in Securities Markets," National Taiwan University Internation Finance Conference. 1995.(Taipei). (The Best Paper Award)
25) Edward H. Chow, Yu-Jane Liu, Gin-Gin Pan, ”Analysis of The Price Limits, Investing Strategies, and Market Performance in Taiwan Stock Market”, The Theories and Practices in Securities and Finance Markets-National Sun Yat-sen University, 1
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