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  [7] 王毅,牛奕龙,田沄,董建园,郝重阳.基于改进遗传算法的最佳熵多阈值三维医学图像分割算法.西北工业大学学报,2007,25(3): 442-445(EI: ************)

  [8] Wang Yi, Niu Yilong, Tian Yun, Hao Chongyang. Fast 3D Brain Multi-Thresholding Segmentation Based on Immuno-Genetic Algorithm. In: Proc. of 2nd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2007, 1882-1886(EI: ************, ISTP: 000252 231900379)

  [9] 王毅,齐华,郝重阳.一种基于独立分量分析的模糊图像盲分离算法.计算机应用,2006,26(10): 2366-2368

  [10] 王毅,郝重阳.一种排样图像轮廓线生成方法.数据采集与处理,2006,21(2): 230-233(EI: ************)

  [11] 王毅,牛奕龙,陈海洋.独立分量分析的基本问题与研究进展.计算机工程与应用,2005,41(27): 38-42

  [12] 王毅,郝重阳,韩培友,顾德明.基于聚合的图象轮廓线多边形拟合方法.信号与信息处理技术第三届信号与信息处理全国联合学术会议,2004,121-124

  [13] Liu Zhexing,Wang Yi, Gerig Guido, Gouttard Sylvain, Tao Ran, Fletcher Thomas, Styner Martin. Quality Control of Diffusion Weighted Images. In: Proc. of SPIE on Medical Imaging 2010 - Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010, 7628: 76280J(EI: 20102413009044, ISTP: 000284752500017)

  [14] 孔晓琳,王毅,巨安丽,齐敏,吕国云,樊养余.基于内分泌激素调节机制的量子进化算法.西北工业大学学报,2011,29(6): 978-983(EI: 20120614748262)

  [15] Lei Tao,Wang Yi, Fan Yangyu, Zhao Jiong. Vector morphological operators in HSV color space. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 2012, doi: 10.1007/s11432-011- 4475-5(SCI源刊)

  [16] 刘奕晨,王毅,牛奕龙,樊养余,郝重阳.基于标准差的自适应激素调节遗传算法.数据采集与处理,已录用,2012年第6期出版

  [17] Liu Yichen,Wang Yi, Niu Yilong, Fan Yangyu. Adaptive hormone regulation operator for genetic algorithm. Proc. of the 13th IEEE Joint International Computer Science and Information Technology Conference, 2011, 535-539

  [18] Kong Xiaolin,Wang Yi, Ju Anli, Liu Yichen. Hormone adjustment based quantum clone evolutionary algorithm. Proc. of the 13th IEEE Joint International Computer Science and Information Technology Conference, 2011, 250-253

  [19] Lixin Zheng,Yi Wang, Chongyang Hao. Cross-correlation registration algorithm based on the image rotation and projection. Proc. of the 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2011, 1109-1112(EI: 20120214678378)

  [20] 陈世浩,王毅,郝重阳.基于广义模糊集、粗糙集的医学图像三维区域提取.西北工业大学学报,2008,26(3): 377-381(EI: ************)

  [21] Tian Yun, Hao Chongyang,Wang Yi, He Guiqing, Wei Jun, Zhao Haitao, Zhao Benhua. Dynamic Extraction for VOI from CT Images Based on Volume Rendering. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 2007, 7(1): 195-209

  [22] 田沄,王毅,赵海涛,卫旭芳,郝重阳.基于边界信息的医学图像三维插值.中国医学影像技术,2007,23(3): 456-459

  [23] 田沄,王毅,赵海涛,魏梦绮,郝重阳.基于线性广义模糊算子图像快速增强算法.第四军医大学学报,2006,27(1): 83-85

  [24] Tian Yun,Wang Yi, Hao Chongyang. 3-D Interpolation of Medical Images Based on the optimal cubic convolution kernel. Proc. of 2nd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2007,112-117(EI: ************, ISTP: 000252231900023)

  [25] Xi Yinglai, Hao Chongyang,Wang Yi. Fast Inter Prediction Block Mode Decision Approach for H.264/AVC. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2006, 15(2): 278-281(SCI: 0002369353000 22, EI: ***********)

  [26] 雷涛,樊养余,王毅.基于四元数表达的模糊矢量形态学算子.中国科学:信息科学,已录用












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