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  巴基斯坦NWFP University of Engineering & Technology兼职教授


  朱颖彦,崔鹏,唐寿高. 岩土数值模拟:方法论的思考. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2005, 24, sup.2. 5919-5925 (Indexed in EI:***********)

  朱颖彦, 崔鹏, 陈晓清. 泥石流堆积体边坡失稳机理的实验与稳定性分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2005. 24(12): 3927-3934 (Indexed in EI:***********)

  朱颖彦, 崔鹏, 钟伦敦, 等. 西攀高速泥石流防治与对策. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2005.25(4): 419-425(CSCD)

  Y-Y. Zhu, P.Cui, D.H.S.Zou. Stability Analysis of the Slope of Debris-flow under artificial rainfall. Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society’s Challenges and Demands .In: Proceeding of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 27-31, May, 2007. Editors: Erick Eberhardt, Doug Stead and Tom Morrison. Taylor & Francis Group. The Netherlands. 979-986. (ISTP/EI).

  Zhu, Y.Y., Cui, P., Chen, X.Q. Experiment and Analysis of Slope Failure of Debris Flow Fans. The 4th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards and Environment, Chengdu, China, 12-16, Sept. 2007 . Editors: Cheng-lung Chen and Jon Major. Millpress Publisher, Lombardkade 31-A, 3031 AH Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 305-318. (ISTP/EI).

  P. Cui, Y.Y. Zhu, J. Chen, Y.S. Han & H.J. Liu.Relationships between antecedent rainfall and debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine, China. The 4th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards and Environment, Chengdu, China, 12-16, Sept. 2007 . Editors: Cheng-lung Chen and Jon Major. Millpress Publisher, Lombardkade 31-A, 3031 AH Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 305-318. (ISTP/EI). 3-10

  D.H. Zou, P. Cui & Y. Y. Zhu. Geotechnical challenges facing infrastructure development in western China. Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society’s Challenges and Demands .In: Proceeding of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 27-31, May, 2007. Editors: Erick Eberhardt, Doug Stead and Tom Morrison. Taylor & Francis Group. The Netherlands. 967-974. (ISTP/EI).



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  Email: zh_y_y@imde.ac.cn








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