姓名:张鉴 性别:男 出生年月:1977-10 职称:副教授 学院:电子科学与应用物理学院 研究
浙江慈溪人。主要研究领域为MEMS设计与应用、微纳制造CAM等。2000年本科毕业于合肥工业大学应用物理系,2001年进入国家卫星气象中心进行硕士论文研究工作,2003年进入东南大学MEMS教育部重点实验室攻读博士学位,2006年获“微电子学与固体电子学”工学博士学位,2008年获聘合肥工业大学硕士生导师、副教授。2003年以来,已在国内外期刊和会议上发表/录用第一作者论文30余篇,其中三大检索与一级学报论文20余篇,见诸Journal of Physics、International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering、电子学报、仪器仪表学报、真空科学与技术学报、传感技术学报等刊物。著名海洋遥感专家、中国工程院院士潘德炉先生曾在Acta Oceanologica Sinica、中国工程科学等杂志多次引用所发表论文“利用大气-海洋系统辐射传输模拟水色遥感信息量的变化特性”。参加IEEE、SPIE、International MEMS Conference等国际会议多次并作口头报告,合作翻译专著(Foundation of MEMS, Chang Liu, USA:Prentice Hall, 2006)。
1. MEMS/NEMS CAD,微系统技术与应用
2. 新型微纳电子器件的模型、设计与制造
3. 计算机图像与视觉技术
•国家杰出青年科学基金 资助项目《计算机辅助制造CAM》 50325519
2003.1-2007.12 (参加,博士论文)
•国家自然科学基金 资助项目《恶劣天气条件下图像复原算法研究》 60705015
2008.1-2010.12 (排名第二)
•国家自然科学基金 资助项目《基于准一维半导体高性能场效应器件的研究》 60806028,
•国家自然科学基金 资助项目《我国海域水色卫星大气校正方法》 49871061
1999.1-2001.12 (参加)
究》 KJ2008A105
2008.1-2010.12 (主持)
H20080011 2008.7-2010.6 (合作研究)
•安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目《提高金属薄膜片式电阻端电极膜基结合力的研究》2009.1-2010.12 KJ2009A091(排名第四)
1. Jian Zhang, Qing-An Huang and Wei-Hua Li,“An ICP etch model based on time multiplexed deep etching”,20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics,SPIE Conference, Vol.6032, Aug., 2005.
2. Jian Zhang, Qing-An Huang and Wei-Hua Li,“Study of lag effect in LPHD plasma etching of Si for MEMS applications by variable time steps in numerical methods”,20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics,SPIE Conference, Vol.6032, Aug., 2005.
3. Jian Zhang, Qing-An Huang, and Wei-Hua Li, “A Novel Model for Surface Evolvement and Footing Effect Simulations in DRIE Fabrications”,the First Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems 2006, IEEE Xplore
4. Jian Zhang, Qing-An Huang and Wei-Hua Li, “A Novel Model for Surface Evolvement and Footing Effect Simulations in DRIE Fabrications”, Review of Advancements in Micro and Nano Technologies (in press)
5. Jian Zhang,Qing-An Huang, and Wei-Hua Li, “Simulations for Surface Evolvement and Footing Effect in ICP DRIE Fabrications” Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol.34, 2006
6. Jian Zhang,Qing-An Huang, and Wei-Hua Li “Modeling and simulations of DRIE including a footing effect”,International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering Vol.2, No.3-4, 2009, 302-311
7. Jian Zhang, Ming-Wu Yang, Xiao-Xiong He and Hao-Chen Qi “Primary Optical System Designing for Optimization of Light-emitting Diode Packages” Optoelectronics Letters (Springer) accepted
8.Jian Zhang, Zhi-wen Hu, Hao-chen Qi, Cheng-yue Liu “Primary Optical System Designing for Optimization of Light-emitting Diode Packages” The 4th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2008): Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies.Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7282, pp.72821H-72821H-5 (2009).
9.HU Zhi-wen, ZHANG Jian, Scientific CCD Camera Caused Biased Estimates of low-light-level Quantitative Fluorescence Imaging Measurement, The 4th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2008): Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment.Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7283, pp.72832Z-72832Z-5 (2009).
10.Dongliang Xu, Jian Zhang*Corresponding author, “A Novel 3-D Topography Model for Micro-Manufacturing”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, Vol.34-35, 477-481.
11.Dongliang Xu, Jian Zhang*Corresponding author, “Modeling and Simulating for 3-D Micro-Manufacture Process”, International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings, ICSICT, 2010 (accepted)
12.张 鉴,黄庆安,李伟华,“固定宽度结构等离子体刻蚀中Lag效应的数值模拟”,传感技术学报,Vol.19,No.1,2006
13.张 鉴,黄庆安,李伟华,“MEMS工艺中反应离子深刻蚀硅片的数值模型研究”,传感技术学报,Vol.19, No.5, 2006
14.张 鉴,黄庆安,李伟华,“电感耦合等离子体(ICP)深刻蚀的模型与模拟” ,仪器仪表学报,Vol.27, No.10, 2006
15.张 鉴,黄庆安,李伟华,“一种可用于Footing效应模拟的ICP刻蚀模型” ,仪器仪表学报,Vol.28, No.12, 2007
16.张 鉴,何晓雄,刘成岳,戚昊琛,“基于线算法的ICP深反应离子刻蚀模型”,真空科学与技术学报,No.5,2008
17.张 鉴,杨明武等,“LED环氧树脂封装的光学设计与模拟”,合肥工业大学学报 自然科学版,Vol.31, No.10, 2008
18.张 鉴,方帅,胡智文,许晓琳,“LED封装的一次光学系统优化设计”,半导体光电,Vol.29,No.5,2008
19.韩 永,赵凤生,张 鉴,“卫星_地面观测数据融合方法研究”,量子电子学报,Vol.20, No.2, Apr., 2003
20.张 鉴,何晓雄,赵凤生,“利用大气-海洋系统辐射传输模拟水色遥感信息量的变化特性”,量子电子学报,Vol.20, No.5, Oct., 2003
21.冯 明(研究生),张 鉴,黄庆安,“ICP刻蚀中等离子体分布的模拟”,电子器件,Vol.28, No.3, 2005
22.胡智文,张 鉴,“壳聚糖胃滞留-漂浮微球体外释药模型研究”,计算机工程与应用 45 (33): 213-215 2009
23.张 鉴,黄庆安,“ICP刻蚀技术与模型”,微纳电子技术,Vol.42, No.6, 2005
1. Jian Zhang, et al, Oral presentation and Paper presented at 20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, SPIE Conference, Changchun, China, Aug.21-26, 2005.
2. Jian Zhang, et al, Oral presentation and Paper presented at the First Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Zhuhai, China, Jan.18-21, 2006.
3. Jian Zhang, et al, Oral presentation and Paper presented at the International MEMS Conference 2006, Biopolis, Singapore, May 9-12, 2006.
4. Jian Zhang, et al, Oral presentation and Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2008) , Chengdu, China, Nov.19-21, 2008.
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