
复旦大学法学院 讲师、法学博士
主要研究方向为比较宪法、基本权利和人权法学研究,行政法学,已在《法学评论》、《政治与法律》、《四川大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《探索与争鸣》、《行政法学研究》、《交大法学》、《China Legal Science》等刊物上发表多篇中英文学术论文,参与国家级和省部级课题若干。
TU Yunxin is a Lecturer in Law at Fudan University Law School, Shanghai, China. He obtained a Bachelor of Law degree from Wuhan University, China and an LLM degree in International Law from University of Oslo, Norway and a doctoral degree of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Wuhan University, China. Before joining the faculty in 2014, he initially attended and then coached several international moot court competitions in the Netherlands and China. He has worked as a teaching assistant and lecturer in Wuhan University School of Law. From September 2012 to June 2014, he served at Wuhan University Research Center of Constitutionalism and Rule of Law as a research associate. He has published journal articles on human rights, constitutional amendments and judicial reform and contributed to newspaper/media with several legal comments in China. His current research focuses on public law theory in China and he also does research on issues related to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
2008 武汉大学,法学 学士
2007 卑尔根大学(University of Bergen)交流访学
2010 奥斯陆大学(University of Oslo)国际人权法 硕士
2014 武汉大学 法学 博士
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