第四军医大学药学系硕导介绍:张 菊
张 菊,教授,硕士研究生导师。1965年5月生。1986年获第四军医大学医学学士学位,1992年获第四军医大学临床
1).Zhang Ju*, Gao Yane, Li Ding, et al. 2009. Asymmetric GP5+/6+ PCR and hybridization with fluorescence polarization assay of 15 human papillomavirus genotypes in clinical samples. J Clin Virol. 44(1):106-110.
2).Bao T, Chen R, Zhang Ju*, et al. 2010. Simultaneousdetection of Ureaplasma parvum, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma hominis by fluorescence polarization. J Biotechnol. 150(1):41-3.
3).Wu Zhongliang, Li Ding, Zhang Ju*, et al. 2010. Simultaneous Detection of Four Major Human Herpesviruses in Whole Blood by Fluorescence Polarization Assay. Int J Infect Dis. 14(10):e893-7.
4).Liu Wenchao, Li Xiaoui, Zhang Ju *, et al. 2010. Detection of ERCC1 118 Polymorphisms in Non-small-cell Lung Cancer by an Improved FP Assay. Diagn Mol Pathol. 19(3):164-8.
5).Wu Zhongliang, Zhang Ju*, Liang Ping, et al. 2010. O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase Gene Promoter Methylation Detection in Glioma Tumors by a Novel Fluorescence Polarization Assay. Diagn Mol Pathol. 19(4):232-5.
6).Li Ding, Zhang Ju*, Liang Ping, et al. 2010. Detection of single nuclear polymorphisms of XPD in whole blood by fluorescence polarization assay. Chin J Anal Chem. 38(4):458-10.
7).Ding L, Rui C, Zhang Ju*, et al. 2010. Detection of hepatitis B virus genotypes A to D by the fluorescence polarization assay based on asymmetric PCR. J Virol Methods. 168(1-2):31-7.
8)Ju Z, Yane G, Ding L, Guowu Y, Yanhai G, Yonglan L. Asymmetric GP5+/6+ PCR and hybridization with fluorescence polarization assay of 15 human papillomavirus genotypes in clinical samples.J Clin Virol. 2009;44(2):106-10.
9).Ju Zhang, Zhongcan Chen, Yane Gao. A novel fluorescence polarization based assay for 14 human papillomavirus genotypes in clinical samples. J Virol Meth,2006,134 (2006) 223–229
10).ZHANG Ju,YAN Xiaojun, SUN Jianzhong,et al. A high throughout assay for human papillomavirus genotypes with fluorescence polarization. Chin Med J,2003,116(8):1137-1140.
11).GAO Yan-E, ZHANG Ju等. Application of TDI-FP for Analysis of A647G Variation in HPV 16 E7 Gene from Cervical Cancer Patients.生物化学与生物物理进展,2005,32(12):1199-1203
12). GAO Yan-E, ZHANG Ju等.Detection and genotyping of human papillomavirus DNA in cervical cancer tissues with fluorescence polarization. Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica Sinica.2003;35(11):1029-1034.
13).GAO Yan-e, ZHANG Ju, SONG Tian-bao, et al. Cloning of HPV16 E2 gene from a cervical cancer biopsy. Reproduction & Contraception,2002,13(3):146-151.
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