研招网 > 上海研招网 > 华东理工大学 > 导师介绍


  1969年10月 出生于湖南江华,1987年9月考入华东工学院(现南京理工大学)高分子化工专业,1990年进入 南京理工大学高分子材料专业攻读硕士学位,1993年3月 南京理工大学高分子材料专业攻读博士学位,1996年5月获博士学位,1996年6月进入华东理工大学从事博士后研究,1998年9月于华东理工大学化工学院工作,任副教授,2001年11月晋升为教授,2003年12月被遴选为博士生导师。

  (1)     多相、多组分聚合物材料的界面
  (2)     通用聚合物材料的高性能化、功能化改性
  (3)     聚合物基复合材料的制备及成型技术
  (4)     生物资源聚合物材料的高性能化及实用化
  (5)     嵌段共聚物的组装行为及相关功能材料
  作为项目负责人及主要研究人员,承担国家自然科学基金、国家863计划、国防科工委军工配套计划、上海市科技发展基金、上海市汽车发展基金及企业委托的横向合作课题20余项,申请发明专利10项, 在国内外发表学术论文80余篇。

  (1) Xiaodong Zhou, Qunfang Lin, Gance Dai,Faxiang Ji. Ultrasonic Degradation of Polysilane Polymer,  Polymer Degradation and Stability,  1998,60(2~3):409~413;
  (2) Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai, Qunfang Lin. Influence of functionalized polyolefin on interfacial adhesion of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2000,76(8):1359.
  (3) Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai, Qunfang Lin. Improvement in impact property of continuous glass fiber mat reinforced polypropylene composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002,83:2680.
  (4) Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai, Qunfang Lin.  Studies on mechanical properties of discontinuous glass fiber / continuous glass fiber mat / polypropylene composites, Polymer and polymer composites, 2002,10(4):299.
  (5) Ruofei Zhao, Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai. Effect of the microstructure of GMT on its mechanical properties, polymer composites, 2002,23(6): 1026-1035.
  (6) Qunfang Lin, Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai, Some studies on mechanical properties of wood flour / continuous glass fiber mat / polypropylene composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002,85(3): 536-544.
  (7) Qunfang Lin, Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai. Effect of hydrothermal environment on moisture absorption and mechanical properties of wood flour / polypropylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002,85(14): 2824-2832.
  (8) Xiaodong Zhou, Qunfang Lin, Ruohua Xiong, Xinyu Cui and Gance Dai. Effect of Flexible polymer Coating on Interfacial Adhesion of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2005,13(6):619~625.
  (9) Minyan Guo, Xiaodong Zhou, Gance Dai and Fuzeng Hu. Study of polypropylene/ ethylene-octene copolymer/organic montmorillonite nanocomposites, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2005,(2):173~180.
  (10) Xiaodong Zhou, Ruohua Xiong and Qunfang Lin,  Effect of block copolymer coupling agents on properties of mica reinforced polymeric composites,Journal of Materials Science,  2006, 41(23): 7879~7885.

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  E-mail   xdzhou@ecust.edu.cn





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