
田平芳副教授 生命科学与技术学院 男, 1965年出生, 中共党员, 在读研究生:硕士 13人 电话:135
田平芳副教授 生命科学与技术学院
男, 1965年出生, 中共党员,
在读研究生:硕士 13人
导师寄语: 宁静致远
2000,9-2003,7 浙江大学博士,博士论文在国家分子遗传重点实验室完成
《Appl Environ Microbiol》,《Mol Genetics Genomics》,《Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering》,《Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic》等SCI刊物审稿人,国家科技奖励评审专家
1. 基因工程法生产大宗或高值化学品:包括C3、C4化合物及高值医药中间体。
2. 合成生物学:发酵菌种遗传改造,以产量为目标的代谢途径强化、群体感应、细胞逻辑重构等。
3. 应用微生物选育:新菌种选育及现有菌种复壮
在研项目:主持国家自然科学基金项目2项:(1)基于全局转录工程生产3-羟基丙酸及其调控机理;(2)递进式强化新型维生素吡咯喹啉醌的生物合成途径;主持“十一五”863重点项目子课题:1,3-丙二醇的生 物炼制:基因改造原始菌株性状;主持北京市科协项目:壳聚糖复配农药抗桃褐腐病。主持北京市-北京化工大学共建项目:多产物联产和全局调控的代谢工程研究。主持北京市教改项目:主编《现代分子生物学与基因操作》
在《Biotechnol Adv》、《Mol Genet Genomics》等刊物发表文章50多篇。
1)Xi Wang, Na Sa, Pingfang Tian* et al. Classifying the DNA assembly protocols for devising cellar architectures. Biotechnol Adv., 2011,29(1): 156-163(IF=8.250,corresponding author)
2)DY Hou,CQ Yan,HX Liu,Ping-fang Tian*. Berberine as a natural comp
ound inhibits the development of brown rot fungus Monilinia fructicola, Crop Protection, 2010, 29, 979-984(corresponding author)
3)Tian Pingfang, He Zuhua. Overview of the Rim2/Hipa Superfamily: Structure, Distribution, Transposition and Utilization. Prog Natl Sci, 2008, 18(4): 375-379(First author)
4)Tian Pingfang, Wang Jianjun, Wu Gang, et al, Genomic variation of the rice Rim2/Hipa superfamily and dendrogram and fingerprinting analysis of rice germplasm based on Rim2/Hipa paralog display. Prog Biochem Biophysi, 2006, 33(2): 169-177(first author)
5)Tian Pingfang, Progress in Plant CACTA Elements, Acta Genetica Sinica, 2006,33(9): 765-774(first author)
6)Tian Pingfang,et al.Genomic characterization of Rim2/Hipa elements reveals a CACTA-like transposon superfamily with unique features in the rice genome. Mol Genet Genomics. 2003, 270(3): 234-42.(first author)
7)Pingfang Tian, Guodong Wang, Qun Li, et al. Cloning of a novel big rice TE and its structural comparison with CACTA elements. Journal of Zhejiang University 2004, 30(2): 133-140(first author)
8)Wang FH, Qu HJ, Zhang DW, Tian PF, Tan TW. Production of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol by recombinant E. coli using incompatible plasmids system. Mol Biotechnol, 2007, 37(2): 112-119
9)Zhang DW, Li Z, Wang FH, Shrestha B, Tian PF, Tan TW. Expression of various genes to enhance ubiquinone metabolic pathway in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2007, 41(6-7): 772-779
10)Zhang DW, Shrestha B, Niu WN, Tian PF,Tan TW. Phenotypes and fed-batch fermentation of ubiquinone-overproducing fission yeast using ppt1 gene. J Biotech, 2007, 128:120-131
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