
阎爱侠教授 生命科学与技术学院 女, 1971年出生, 群众, 陕西人, 在读研究生:硕士 11人 ,博士1人
阎爱侠教授 生命科学与技术学院
女, 1971年出生, 群众, 陕西人,
在读研究生:硕士 11人 ,博士1人
2001年1月至2003年1月,获德国洪堡基金会资助, 作为洪堡研究员, 在爱尔兰根大学 Johann Gasteiger 教授的研究组进行研究工作(http://www2.chemie.uni-erlangen.de). 2003年2月至 2005年1月,在英国牛津大学化学系主席 W. Graham Richards 教授和Guy H. Grant 博士的研究小组 (http://bellatrix.chem.ox.ac.uk) 进行计算机辅助模拟抗癌药物设计的研究工作。2005年2月至今,在北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院制药工程系工作。 其中,2010年4月至6月, 获德国洪堡基金会资助, 作为洪堡研究员, 在德国波恩大学Juergen Bajorath教授的研究组进行合作研究工作。
化学信息学 (Chemoinfomatics), 计算化学(Computational Chemistry),计算机辅助药物设计(Computer-Aided Drug Design)。
1 SCI 论文
(1)Yan, A.X.*, Wang, L., Xu, S.Y., Xu J. Aurora-A Kinase Inhibitor Scaffolds and Binding Modes, Drug Discovery Today, 2011, 16, 260-269. (SCI论文IF=6.63) (2)Wang, L., Wang, Z., Yan, A.X.*, Classification of Aurora-A Kinase inhibitors using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), Molecular Informatics, 2011, 30, 35-44. (SCI论文IF=3.027) (3)Wang, Z., Yan, A.X.*, Discriminating of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors and Decoys using Self-Organizing Maps, Molecular Diversity, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s11030-010-9288-8. publish online Nov.11,2010. (SCI论文IF=2.071)
(4)Hu, X.Y., Yan, A.X.*, Tan, T.W., Sacher, O., Gasteiger, J., Similarity perception of reactions catalyzed by oxidoreductases and hydrolases using different classification methods, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2010, 50, 1089–1100. (SCI论文IF=3.882)
(5)Wang, Z., Yan, A.X.*, Yuan, Q.P. Classification of blood-brain barrier permeation by Kohonens self-organizing Neural Network (KohNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), QSAR & Combinatorial Science, 2009, 28(9), 989-994. (SCI论文IF=3.027)
(6)Yan, A.X.*, Wang, Z., Cai Z., Prediction of Human Intestinal Absorption by GA Feature Selection and Support Vector Machine Regression, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2008, 9 (10), 1961-1976. (SCI论文 IF= 1.387)
(7)Wang, Z., Yan, A.X.*, Yuan, Q.P., Gasteiger, J. Explorations into Modeling Human Oral Bioavailability, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2008, 43(11), 2442-2452. (SCI论文IF= 3.269)
(8)Yan, A.X., Grant, G. H., Richards, W. G., Dynamics of Conserved Waters in Human HSP 90: Implications for Drug Design, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2008. 5, S199–S205. (SCI论文IF=4.241 )
(9)Yan, A.X.*, Modeling of Gibbs Energy of Formation of Organic Compounds by Linear And non-Linear Methods, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2006; 46(6); 2299-2304. (SCI论文IF=3.882).
(10)Yan, A.X.*, Application of Self-Organizing Maps in Compounds Pattern Recognition and Combinatorial Library Design, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2006, 9(6), 473-480. (SCI论文IF=2.464).
2 参编著作
(1)Kleinoder, T., Yan, A.X. and Spycher, S., Prediction of Properties of Compounds, in: “Chemoinformatics - A Textbook”, Editors: J. Gasteiger, T. Engel, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003, pp. 487-514. (25,000字)
(2)Yan, A.X.*, Molecular similarity study in compounds comparison and library design, in “Drug Design Research Perspective”, 103-124, Ed, Stanley P. Kaplan, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2007. (12,000字) ( 7万字符) https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=5851
(3)Yan, A.X.*, Wang, Z., Li, J.X., Meng, M., Human Oral Bioavailability Prediction of Four Kinds of Drugs, in “Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Environmental Sciences”, pp141-154, Ed, L.A.Liu, D.Q. Wei & Y. Li, IGI Global, 2011. (8000字)
(4)Wang, Z., Yan, A.X.*, Li, J.X. In Silico Prediction of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability: A Support Vector Machine Model, in “Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Environmental Sciences”, pp.155-171, Ed, L.A.Liu, D.Q. Wei & Y. Li, IGI Global, 2011. (10000字)
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