北化生命科学与技术学院导师介绍:梁 浩

梁浩副教授 生命科学与技术学院 男, 1980年出生, 中共党员, 在读研究生:硕士 9人 电子信箱:li
梁浩副教授 生命科学与技术学院
男, 1980年出生, 中共党员,
在读研究生:硕士 9人
导师寄语: 通过自己的努力做一个有意思、有意义的人
1. Hao Liang, Baitang Lai and Qipeng Yuan. Sulforaphane Induces Cell-cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Cultured Human Lung Adenocarcinoma LTEP-A2 Cells and Retards Growth of LTEP-A2 Xenografts in Vivo. Journal of Natural Product. (SCI), 2008, 71: 1911–1914
2. Hao Liang, Cuijuan Li and Qipeng Yuan. Application of High-Speed Countercurrent Chromatography for the Isolation of Sulforaphane from Broccoli Seed Meal. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. (SCI), 2008, 56: 7746-7749
3. Hao Liang, Chunfang Li and Qipeng Yuan. Separation and Purification of Sulforaphane by Solid Phase Extraction and Preparative High-performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. (SCI), 2007, 55: 8047-8053
4. Hao Liang, Qipeng Yuan and Qian Xiao. Purification of Sulforaphane from Brassica oleracea seed meal using low-pressure column chromatography. Journal of Chromatography B. (SCI), 2005, 828: 91-96
5. Hao Liang, Qipeng Yuan and Qian Xiao. Effects of metal ions on myrosinase activity and the formation of Sulforaphane in broccoli seed. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. (SCI), 2006, 43: 19-22
6. Hao Liang, Q.P. Yuan, H.R. Dong and Y.M. Liu. Determination of Sulforaphane in broccoli and cabbage by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. (SCI), 2006, 19: 473-476
7. Chunfang Li, Hao Liang, Qipeng Yuan and Xiaodan Hou. Optimization of Sulforaphane separation from broccoli seeds by macroporous resins. Separation Science and Technology. (SCI), 2008, 43: 609-623
8. Qipeng Yuan, Xiaodan Hou, Hao Liang, Chunfang Li. Preparation and in vitro evaluation of Sulforaphane intragastric buoyant sustained-release tablets Journal of Biotechnology. (SCI), 2008, 136: 553
9. 梁浩, 袁其朋, 东惠茹, 钱忠明, 刘玉梅. 十字花科植物种子中莱菔硫烷含量的比较. 中国药学杂志(EI), 2004,39: 898-909
10. 肖倩,梁浩, 袁其朋. 温度、pH值和光照对莱菔硫烷稳定性的影响. 中国药学杂志(EI), 2007,40: 898-909
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