
郑丹星教授 化学工程学院 男, 1950年出生, 中共党员, 福建永春人, 在读研究生:硕士 12人 ,博士5人
郑丹星教授 化学工程学院
男, 1950年出生, 中共党员, 福建永春人,
在读研究生:硕士 12人 ,博士5人
电话:*********** ;传真:***********
导师寄语: 梦在心中,路在脚下。
1971-1975年,北京化工大学 获学士学位。
1982-1987年,日本东京工业大学 获博士学位。
[1] Guo L, Wu X, Zheng D, Deng W. Measurement and correlation of vapor-liquid equilibrium for the carbon dioxide + 1-butoxy butane system, J Chem Eng Data, 55(1): 476–478, 2010
[2] Wu X, Du X, Zheng D, Measurement of vapor-liquid equilibrium for the dme+ diisopropyl ether binary system and correlation for the DME + CO2+ diisopropyl ether ternary system, Int J of Thermophysics, (in press)
[3] Dong L, Zheng D, Wei Z, Wu X, Synthesis of 1, 3-dimethylimidazolium chloride and volumetric property investigations of its aqueous solution, Int J of Thermophysics, (30):1480-1490, 2009
[4] Zheng D, Chen B, Qi Y, Jin H. Thermodynamic analysis of a novel absorption power/cooling combined cycle, Appl Energy, 83(4): 311-323, 2006
[5] Zheng D, Deng W, Jin H, Ji J. ?-h Diagram and principle of exergy coupling of GAX cycle. Applied Thermal Eng, 27, 1771–1778, 2007
[6] Wang J, Zheng D. Performance of one and a half effect absorption cooling cycle of H2O/LiBr system, Energy Conversion & Manag, (ECM-D-08-00818, in prss), 2009
[7] Zheng D, Cao W. Retrofitting for DME process by energy-flow framework diagram. Chem Eng Processing, (46): 2-9, 2007
[8] Wang Z, Zheng D, Jin H. A novel polygeneration system integrating the acetylene production process and fuel cell. Int J of Hydrogen Energy. 32(16), 4030-4039, 2007
[9] Hou Z, Zheng D, Jin H, Sui J. Performance analysis of non-isothermal solar reactors for methanol decomposition. Solar Energy, 81(1) 415-423, 2007
[10] Cao W, Zheng D. Thermodynamic performance of O2/CO2 gas turbine cycle with chemical recuperation by CO2-reforming of methane. Fuels. 86, 2864-2870, 2007
[11] Zheng D, Hou Z. Energy quality factor and a new thermodynamic approach to evaluate cascade utilization of fossil fuels. Energy and Fuels, 23 (5), 2613-2619, 2009
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