基本信息 姓 名: 于桂兰 出生年月: 1965年6月24日 毕业院校: 复旦大学,哈尔滨工业大学 性 别:
姓 名: 于桂兰
出生年月: 1965年6月24日
毕业院校: 复旦大学,哈尔滨工业大学
性 别: 女
民 族: 汉
职 务: 系所主任
职 称: 教授
办公电话: 51688277
通讯地址: 北京交通大学土建学院桥梁工程系
电子邮件: glyu@bjtu.edu.cn
1984.9-1988.7 复旦大学本科;
1988.9-1991.3 哈尔滨工业大学硕士, 获优秀毕业生奖;
1994.3-1997.12 哈尔滨工业大学博士, 获哈尔滨工业大学首届优秀博士论文奖;
1991.4-1995.10 哈尔滨工业大学航天工程与力学系 助教,讲师
1995.11- 北京交通大学土建学院 讲师,副教授,教授
2004.8-2004.12 访问 The University of Manchester
(3)国家自然科学基金“考虑接触效应时微缝隙的弹性波传输特性研究” (2008,1-2010,12.)
1. Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. A new cumulative damage rule for multilevel cyclic loading with mean stresses. International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 75(2): R29-35.
2. Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. Slip with friction between a layer and a substrate caused by SH waves. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1997, 64(4): 1019-2001.
3. Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. In-plane motion induced by an SH pulse at a frictional contact interface. Mechanics Research Communications, 1998, 25(2): 203-210.
4. Wang Y S, Yu G L, Gai B Z. Slip with friction between a layer and a substrate caused by an SH pulse. Mechanics Research Communications, 1997, 24(1): 85-91.
5. Yu G L, Wang Y S, Gai B Z. Propagation of shear waves through a unilateral constrained elastic interlayer. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, Shanghai University Press, 1998, p411-415.
6. Wang Y S, Yu G L, Gai B Z. Propagation of SH waves in a layered half space with a frictional contact interface. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 1998, 88(5): 1300-1310.
7. Wang Y S, Yu G L. Re-polarization of elastic waves at a frictional contact interface, II. incidence of a P or SV wave. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1999, 36(30): 4563-4586.
8.Yu G L, Wang Y S. Anti-plane motion induced by a P or SV pulse at a frictional contact interface. Mechanics Research Communications, 2001, 28(5): 551-560.
9. Wang Y S, Yu G L, Li Nan. Subsonic interfacial slip waves propagating along the interface between two smoothly contact anisotropic elastic solids with separation. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, Shanghai University Press, 2002, p357-363.
10. Wang Y S, Yu G L, Dai H H. Addendum and Corrigendum to “Transmission of Elastic Waves through a Frictional Contact Interface between Two Anisotropic Dissimilar Media” [Wave Motion, 37(2003), 137-156]. Wave Motion, 2004, 39(3): 275-278.
11. G. L. Yu and Y. S. Wang. Dynamic response of a circular cavity with a partially debonded liner subjected to seismic waves. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, 2005, Volume 2: 1661-1669. Southeast university Press.
12. Gui-Lan Yu, Yue-Sheng Wang. Slip pulse along an interface between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces in sliding contact with separation. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2006, 75: 210-219.
13. Gui-Lan Yu, Yue-Sheng Wang. Scattering of seismic waves from a circular cavity with a partially debonded liner. ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, 2006, 43(1-2): 1-9.
14. Gui-Lan Yu, Yue-Sheng Wang, Guang-Shou Li. Frictional slip of an elastic layer on a half space caused by an anti-plane wave of arbitrary form, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 294 (1-2): 238-248.
15. G L Yu, T Yang. Measurement of higher harmonic generation for waves propagating through a contact interface. In: ‘Better Life through Acoustics’, P196. The 9th Pacific Acoustics Conference, Seoul, Korea, June 26-28, 2006.
16. Y S Wang, N Li, G L Yu. Subsonic slip waves and steady sliding at the interface between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces in frictional contact with stick-slip. Wave Motion, 2007, 44(6): 439-457.
17. Y Z Bai, Y S Wang, G L Yu. Subsonic slip waves along the interface between two piezoelectric solids in sliding contact with local separation. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2007, 45(12): 1017-1029.
18. Zong-Jian Yao, Gui-Lan Yu, Yue-Sheng Wang, Zhi-Fei Shi. Point defect states of bending waves in phononic crystal thin plates. Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on piezoelectricity, acoustic waves and device applications, P176-181. Nanjing, China, December 5-8,2008.
19. Zong-Jian Yao, Gui-Lan Yu, Yue-Sheng Wang, Zhi-Fei Shi. Propagation of bending waves in phononic crystal thin plates with a point defect. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(13): 2571-2576.
20. Gui-Lan Yu, Yue-Sheng Wang, Jian Lan. Vibration localization in disordered periodically stiffened double-leaf panels. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2010 (in press).
杨 韬:2002级,研究方向:弹性波透过接触界面的实验研究
王 晶:2005级,研究方向:周期多跨连续梁结构中的振动局部化问题
林 丹:2006级,研究方向:二维周期性复合结构薄板的减振隔振性能研究
高 斌:2008级,研究方向:流固耦合周期结构动力传输特性的数值模拟与实验研究
(1) 1998.10,第二届全国工科《结构力学》及《弹性力学》课程青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖;
(2) 1998.11,北京交通大学第三届青年教师教学基本功竞赛一等奖;
(3) 1998.12,北京高校第二届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖;
(4) 1999.02,北京市爱国立功标兵;
(5) 1999.11,学校首批“优秀主讲教师”;
(6) 2002.07,全国力学教学优秀教师;
(7) 2002.07,北京交通大学“我最敬爱的老师”;
(8) 2006.09,北京交通大学“智瑾奖”优秀青年教师奖
(9) 2008.03,北京交通大学“巾帼十杰”;
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