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  姓 名: 高日

  出生年月: 1959年6月1日

  毕业院校: 北方交通大学

  性 别: 男

  民 族: 汉族

  职 务: 系所主任  

  职 称: 教授

  办公电话: 51688297

  电子邮件: rigao@center.njtu.edu.cn





  获得两项国家发明专利: 1.球型抗震支座(1998); 2.高性能人行道体系(2005年)










  大跨空间结构、桥梁结构设计理论及试验技术;高性能水泥基复合材料结构体系; 结构补强加固技术。





  1 国际合作项目: Modern Composite Concrete (2005-2006)

  2 自然科学基金项目: 活性粉末混凝土梁静力强度承载力研究(2005-2007)

  3 铁道部项目: 胶新线、大秦线桥梁综合试验(2004-2005)

  4 铁道部项目: 秦-沈客运专线桥梁动力试验(2000-2003)

  5 铁道部基金项目:尼尔森, 洛泽系铁路桥梁(2000-2002)

  6 铁道部项目:青藏铁路小桥涵出入口保温材料研究(2001-2003)

  7 铁道部项目:青藏线常用跨度桥梁技术和提高耐久性措施补充试验研究(2002-2004)

  8 横向项目: 齐齐哈尔嫩江钢桥试验研究(2005)

  9 横向项目:地铁2号线崇文门过管段动态试验(2005)

  10 横向项目:国际服装英超研发设计产业园主楼网壳结构(2004-2005)

  11 横向项目:华龙面业集团嘉兴食品有限公司项目技术咨询(2004)

  12 横向项目:抢修用钢桥墩及钢梁设计验算(2004-2005)

  13 横向项目:邯济线三桥振动检测及分析(2004)

  14 横向项目:测试塔强度、刚度验算及施工图设计(2004-2005)

  15 横向项目:邯济线框构桥裂缝检测、分析及加固(2004-2005)

  16 横向项目:预制节段预应力活性粉末混凝土箱梁研究(2004-2005)

  17 横向项目:高圆形桥墩现状评估及加固技术(2001-2003)

  18 横向项目:太原卫星发射基地5#公路桥承载力试验(2001-2002)

  19 横向项目:万州长江580米跨悬索桥结构研究(2002)

  20 横向项目:高阻尼橡胶减震器试验及分析(2000-2001)

  21 横向项目:长春市伊通河防洪工程1,2,3号进岛桥(2000)

  22 横向项目:青藏铁路桥墩混凝土剥蚀试验(2005)

  23 横向项目:邯济线跨京深高速桥和伦镇桥振动试验(2005)

  24 横向项目:邯济线桥梁加固后振动试验(2005)

  25 横向项目:邯济线(K085+714,K222+783)桥梁振动试验(2006)

  26 横向项目:WQ6,WQ8混凝土及钢筋混凝土防腐阻锈剂试验研究(2006-2007)

  27 横向项目:大秦线郑重庄桥重载试验研究(2006)

  28 横向项目:宁西线桥梁动载试验(2006)

  29 横向项目:张家湾铁路专用线跨线桥转体施工技术及试验研究项目(2006-2007)

  30 横向项目:DJK160架桥机钢结构检算(2006)

  31 横向项目:张石高速公路石家庄段跨线桥转体施工技术(2007)

  32 横向项目:烟台火车站大拱网壳结构抗震时程响应分析(2007)   


  1 北方交通大学体育馆筒体结构及网架屋盖设计(1991)

  2 首都四机位机库大跨网架屋盖抗震设计 (1992)

  3 徐州通运集团矿泉水生产车间钢结构设计(1993)

  4 徐州通运集团网架生产车间钢结构设计(1993)

  5 哈尔滨机场一机位机库网架结构设计(1994)

  6 鞍山市体育中心游泳馆屋顶结构设计(1995)

  7 山西侯马北公务段办公楼结构设计(1996)

  8 山西侯马北公务段职工教育基地结构设计(1996)

  9 绥芬河烟厂生产车间钢结构设计(1997)

  10 佳木斯二中体育馆设计(1997)

  11 长春市伊同河1#、2#、3#进岛桥设计(1998)

  12 天津塘沽开发区国际商务中心钢管格构拱屋盖设计 (2000)

  13 哈尔滨40米溜索塔结构设计(2000)

  14 万州长江二桥580米悬索桥设计(2001)

  15 南宁市人大活动中心悬挑钢屋盖结构设计(2003)

  16 59研究所218号建筑物90米高耸铁塔结构设计(2004)

  17 北京亦庄开发区网壳结构设计(2005)




  [1]Ri GAO, Lanchao JIANG and Guoliang ZHANG, “Fire-Resistant Design of Steel Frames”, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Steel Structures ISSS’05, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea, March 10-11, 2005. pp1054-1059.

  [2]Xiaohua LEI, Ri GAO, Zhimin LIU, “Wind Behavior and Structural Rigidity of a Certain Abnormity Tower Structure”, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Steel Structures ISSS’05, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea, March 10-11, 2005. pp1032-1039.

  [3] Ri GAO, Zhimin LIU,Liqian ZHANG, Piet STROEVEN, “Static Properties of Plain Reactive Powder Concrete Beams”.Environmental Ecology and Technology of Concrete,EETC-2005,Key Engineering Materials Vols.320-303, ISBN 0-87849-983-0, Covered by SCI, ISBN:0-87849-983-0, Trans Tech Publications,Switzerland, pp521-527.

  [4] Ri GAO, Piet STROEVEN and C.F. HENDRIKS, “MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF REACTIVE POWDER CONCRETE BEAMS”, Seventh International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength/High-Performance Concrete. Volume II, ISBN: 0-87031-180-8, Edited by Henry G. Russell, Published by ACI. 2005.pp1237-1252.


  [6]H. Xia, N. Zhang, R. Gao, “Experimental analysis of railway bridge under high-speed trains”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 282(2005) 517-528, Elsevier Publisher.

  [7] Xu Xianjie, GAO Ri, Jiang Lanchao and Yang Weiguo,"Safety Evaluation of Aged Steel Truss Bridge with Cracking Members". Proc.of Fourth International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia (USMCA 2005), 18-19 Oct. 2005. Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore, Edited by Tso-Chien PAN, Printed in Singapore,ISBN:981-05-4063-9.pp109-118.

  [8] R.GAO, Y.XIAO and P.Stroeven,"Structural Concept and Mechanical Properties of Precast Segmental RPC Box Girders with External Tendons".Innovation & Sustainability of Structures, in the Proc. of the international Symposium on Innovation & Sustainabiliy of Structures in Civil Engineering. Volume 3, november 20-22,2005, Nanjing, China, Edited by Zhitao Lv, Printed by Southeast University Press, ISBN:7-5641-0188-1,pp2563-2570.

  [9] L.C.Jiang, L.Li and R.GAO."A New Kind of Beam String Structure with High Durability".Innovation & Sustainability of Structures, in the Proc. of the international Symposium on Innovation & Sustainabiliy of Structures in Civil Engineering. Volume 3, november 20-22,2005, Nanjing, China, Edited by Zhitao Lv, Printed by Southeast University Press, ISBN:7-5641-0188-1,pp2434-2439.

  [10] C.H.Liu and R.GAO."Whole Process Analysis of Pre-stressed T-shaped Reactive Powder Concrete Beams".Innovation & Sustainability of Structures, in the Proc. of the international Symposium on Innovation & Sustainabiliy of Structures in Civil Engineering. Volume 1, november 20-22,2005, Nanjing, China, Edited by Zhitao Lv, Printed by Southeast University Press, ISBN:7-5641-0188-1,pp762-770.


  [1] Guo liang Xiao, Ri Gao, Piet Stroeven, “Static Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete Beams” IABSE Symposium Shanghai 2004 Report, Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure, September, 22-24,2004, Shanghai,China. Vol.88, pp458-460, ISBN 3-85748-110-2. Printed in China.

  [2]. Ri GAO Xiao jie YANG, “The Behavior of Steel Beams in Composite Steel Structures in Fire”, Progress in Safety Science and Technology, October 25-28, 2004, Shanghai, China. Vol. IV, PART A, pp1509-1514, ISBN 7-03-014386-8, Edited by WANG Yajun, HUANG Ping and LI Shengcai, Published by Science Press Beijing/New York.

  [3]. Ri GAO, Liying CHEN, Piet STROEVEN and C.F. HENDRIKS, “DEBONDING FAILURE OF CONCRETE BEAMS CONFINED WITH CFRP COMPOSITES”, International Symposium on Confined Concrete, ISCC-2004, June 12-14, Changsha, China. Pp93-94, Edited by XIAO Yan; KUNNATH Sashi, printed in China. ISBN: 0-9679749-1-7 (CD)

  [4] Ri GAO and Xiaojie YANG, “FACTORS AFFECTIING THE BEHAVIOR OF STEEL STRUCTURES IN FIRE”, in the Pacific Structural Steel Conference Proceedings, PSSC’2004, March 24-27, California, USA. Keynote paper P7.

  [5] 肖国梁,高日,李承根,“活性粉末混凝土与普通混凝土组合梁的受力特性”,《铁道学报》2004年第26卷第4期。

  [6] 杨晓杰,高日,白泓,“火作用下梁行为的基本原理”,《钢结构》2003年第1期:49-52。 “Fundamental Principle of Behavior of Beam under Fire”,《Steel Construction》,2004(1),Vol.19,No.70,(ISSN 1007-9963/CN11-3899/TF).


  [1] Ri GAO, Chenggen LI and Piet Stroeven, “Reactive Powder Concrete Box Girder for High-Speed Railway Bridges” IABSE Symposium Antwerpen 2003 Report, Structures for High-Speed Railway Transtortation, August 27-29,2003, Antwerp, Belgium. Vol.87, pp144-145, ISBN 3-85748-109-9. Printed in Belgium.

  [2] Ri GAO, Chenggen LI “Traffic-induced Structural Vibrations and Noises in Elevated Railway Stations” IABSE Symposium Antwerpen 2003 Report, Structures for High-Speed Railway Transtortation, August 27-29,2003, Antwerp, Belgium. Vol.87, pp194-195, ISBN 3-85748-109-9. Printed in Belgium.

  [3] G. An, R. Gao, L. Jiang and Z. Liu, “Concept and Design of Space Frame Bridge Stiffened with Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Arches”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Role of Concrete Bridge in Sustainable Development, September 3-4, 2003, Dundee, Scotland, pp73-80, (ISBN:072773248x).Edited by Ravindra K. Dhir, Moray D. Newlands and Michael J. McCarthy, Published by Thomas Telford.

  [4] R. Gao, P. Stroeven, “A Digital Method to Simulate the Microstructure of the ITZ in Concrete”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Role of Cement Science in Sustainable Development, September 3-4, 2003, Dundee, Scotland, pp123-130, (ISBN:**********). Edited by Ravindra K. Dhir, Moray D. Newlands and Michael J. McCarthy, Published by Thomas Telford.

  [5] 肖国梁,高日,吕晓寅,“活性粉末混凝土与普通混凝土组合梁的界面应力”,《建筑技术与应用》2003年第6期:8-10。“Adhesion Strength of the Combination Beam Composed of Reactive Powder Concrete & Conventional Concrete”,《Research & Application of Building Materials》No.6 (Serial No.80),2003, (ISSN 1009-9441)..

  [6] 李良,高日,“大跨预应力活性粉末混凝土张弦梁结构”,《建筑技术与应用》2003年第5期:13-15。“Large Span Pre-stressing Beam String Structure of Reactive Powder Concrete”, 《Research & Application of Building Materials》No.5 (Serial No.79),2003, (ISSN 1009-9441).

  [7] 白泓,高日,“活性粉末混凝土(RPC)在工程结构中的应用”,《建筑科学》2003年第4期:51-54。”The Application Reactive Powder Concrete in Engineering Construction”, No.4, Vol.19, Aug.2003, (ISSN 1002-8528/CODEN JKEXEQ).

  [8] 白泓,高日,杨晓杰“活性粉末混凝土(RPC)物理、力学特性研究及实践应用”,水工混凝土建筑物检测与修补,第七届全国水工混凝土建筑物修补加固技术交流会论文集,2003年9月。ISBN 7-900372-29-6. pp167-174.

  [9] 张国良,高日,吕晓寅,“钢结构住宅的发展及其抗火设计评述”,《建筑技术与应用》2003年第5期:11-12。“Development of Home-steel’s Structure & Discussion on its Fire-resistance Design”,《Research & Application of Building Materials》No.5 (Serial No.79),2003, (ISSN 1009-9441).

  [10]苏光亚,高日,“铁路悬索桥自振特性及结构参数的研究”《北方交大学报》2003年1期:72-75,“Free Vibration Analysis of Long-span Suspension Bridge Scheme and Effects of Structure Parameter”,《Journal of Northern Jiaotong University》Vol.27(sum.107),No.1,(ISSN 1000-1506/CODEN BJDXES).

  [11]陈丽莹,高日,“二次受力下CFRP加固混凝土结构抗弯承载力计算方法”,《北方交大学报》 2003年1期:80-83,“Research on Bending Capacity of CFRP Reinforced Concrete Structure at Twice Loading”, 《Journal of Northern Jiaotong University》Vol.27(sum.107),No.1,(ISSN 1000-1506/CODEN BJDXES).


  [1] 晏景通,高日,“索网结构两种找形方法的比较与分析”,《钢结构》,2002年1期:4-7,“Comparison and Analysis between Two Form-finding Method for Cable Net Structures”, 《Steel Construction》,2002(1),Vol.17,No.57,(total No.57), (ISSN 1007-9963/CN11-3899/TF).

  [2] 晏景通,高日,“不同索元模式对索网结构受力分析的影响”,《钢结构》,2002年3期:

  [3] 苏光亚,高日,“公铁两用悬索桥自振特性分析”《铁道工程学报》2002年3期:43-47,“Free Vibration Analysis of Long-span Suspension Bridge”,《Journal of Rail Way Engineering Society》2002(3),(Series No.75),(ISSN 1006-2106/CN11-3567/U).


  [1] Gao Ri, Liu Feng and Xia He,“Analysis and Estimation of Structural Vibrations and Noises in Elevated Railway Station Structures”, Advance in Life & Enviroment, 2001.9, Japan, pp75-81. (ISTP)

  [2] Gao Ri, “Types of Elevated Railway Station Structures”, TIVC’2001,Beijing, pp295-302. (ISTP)

  [3] 贺辉,高日,“C型张拉整体索穹顶结构静力特性分析”,《建筑技术开发》2001年第6期,(第28卷第6期(总第168期)):20-22, “The Analysis of Static Characteristics of C-type Tension Monolithic Cable Dome Structure”,《Building Technique Development》,Vol.28,No.6, (ISSN 1001-523X/cn11-2178/TU).


  [1] Gao Ri, “Particle packing and microstructure of cement-based materials” MCCI’2000, Inter’l Symposium on Modern Concrete Composites, Nov. 30—Dec. 2, 2000, Beijing, pp105-110. (ISTP)

  [2] Gao Ri, P.Stroeven “Digital Simulation of Wall Effect in Cement Particle Packing”, HPC International Conference, 10-15 December 2000, Hong Kong, pp532-528.   













  1、3500吨球型钢支座获北京市科技进步三等奖 (1996年3月)

  2、大面积货棚及网架获铁道部科技进步奖 (1994年12月)

  3、提出“网架系杆钢管混凝土拱组合桥梁结构”,并于长春市伊通河三号进岛桥工程实践. (1999)


  1、抗震球型支座获国家发明专利 (1998年)










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