朱振峰 职 称: 副教授 学 历: 博士 办公电话: 51684902 办公邮箱: zhfz
职 称: 副教授
学 历: 博士
办公电话: 51684902
办公邮箱: zhfzhu@bjtu.edu.cn
毕业学校: 中科院自动化所
Zhenfeng Zhu, Ph.D,Associate Professor. He received M.E. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2001. During 2001-2005, he has studied in National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition,Institute of Automation,CAS, and got Ph.D. degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System. Since April 2005, he has joined Institute of Information and Science, Beijing Jiaotong University. In recent years, he has severed as the principal investigator for six research projects including NSFC. As major investigator,he also joined several national projects like ‘863’, ‘973’, etc. In 2007, he was selected in the New-Star Program of Science and Technology supported by Beijing Metropolis. He has published more than 40 research papers. His research interests include image and video understanding, computer vision,machine learning, Visual information retrieval,etc.
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