孙文辉 副教授 博士 硕士生导师 学科方向: 计算机应用 EMAIL: whsun1@bjtu.edu.cn 电话
孙文辉 副教授 博士 硕士生导师
学科方向: 计算机应用
EMAIL: whsun1@bjtu.edu.cn
电话 : ************
主要研究领域: 程序设计语言 软件工程 计算机网络
1)Sun Wenhui, Liu Feng, Dai Gang, Li Honghui, “Modeling Session Initiation Protocol with Extended Finite State Machines”, The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies,2007,Adelaide, Australia,IEEE Press
2) Sun Wenhui, Dai Gang, Li Honghui, Zhang Jinyu, Liu Feng, “Formal Analysis of the VPN Service Management System”, The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies,2007,Adelaide, Australia,IEEE Press
3)Sun Wenhui, Liu Feng, Zhang Jinyu, Dai Gang “Modeling web service compositions with CSP”,The Sixth International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for business, engineering and sciences,2007
4)孙文辉,刘峰,戴钢,张晋豫 “面向服务的服务等级协议管理机制”,“计算机科学”专刊,第六届全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC2007)
5)Sun Wenhui, Liu Feng, Zhang Jinyu “Develop a telecommunication service system using service-oriented architecture” The Second IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented Applications, Integration and Collaboration (SOAIC-2006) Oct.24-26, Shanghai,IEEE Press
6)Sun Wenhui, Zhang Jinyu, Liu Feng “WS-SLA: A Framework for web services oriented service level agreements” the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2006), IEEE Press, 2006
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