导师姓名:刘俊国 性别:男 出生年月:1977.2.19 院系名称:自然保护区学院 一级学科:林学
2003.03-2007.02: 瑞士联邦理工学院 博士
2000.10-2003.02:联合国教科文组织水教育基地(荷兰) 硕士
1995.09-1999.07: 华北水利水电学院 本科
比尔及美林达 – 盖茨基金会资助项目、第六期欧盟研究与发展框架计划基金资助项目、瑞士自然科学基金资助项目等
1. Liu J. and Savenije H.H.G., 2008. Time to break the silence around virtual-water imports. Nature 453 ((7195) : 587.
2. Liu J., Yang H., Savenije H.H.G., 2008. China’s move to higher-diet hits water security. Nature 454 ((7203): 397.
3. Liu J. and Yang H., 2009. China fights against statistical corruption. Science. 325: 675-676. 4.Liu, J., A. J. B. Zehnder, and H. Yang, 2009. Global consumptive water use for crop production: The importance of green water and virtual water, Water Resources Research, 45, W05428, doi:10.1029/2007WR006051.
5. Liu J., Williams J.R., Wang X., Yang H., 2009. Using MODAWEC to generate daily weather data for the EPIC model. Environmental Modelling & Software 24((5): 655-664.
6. Liu J., 2009. A GIS-based tool for modelling large-scale crop-water relations. Environmental Modelling & Software 24((3): 411-422.
7. Liu J., 2009. Consumptive water use in cropland and its partitioning: a high-resolution assessment. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 52 ((11): 3309-3314.
8. Yang H., Zhou Y., Liu J., 2009. Land and water requirements of biofuel and implications for food supply and the environment in China. Energy Policy 37: 1876-1885.
9. Liu J., Fritz S., van Wesenbeeck C.F.A., Fuchs M., Obersteiner M., Yang H., 2008. A spatial explicit assessment of current and future hotspots of hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa in the context of global change. Global and Planetary Change.64 ((3-4): 222-235.
10. Liu J., Savenije H.H.G., 2008. Food consumption patterns and their effect on water requirement in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12: 887-898.
11. Liu J., Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2008. Drops for crops: modelling crop water productivity on a global scale. Global NEST Journal 10 ((3): 295-300.
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