教师简介: 职 称: 教授 职 位: 国际商学院副院长, 管理科学与工程系主任, 管理科学研究中心主
4.2005.09-2008.12: 中科院基础局重要方向研究项目“生物信息学中的若干重要问题研究”。
5.2003.08-2005.07: 中科院数学与系统科学院生物信息中心资助项目“基于DNA芯片的SBH测序问题研究”
1.Yongjian Li, 张继红, Jian Chen, Xiaoqiang Cai,Optimal Solution Structure for Multi-period Production Planning with Returned Products Remanufacturing,《Asia- Pacific Journal of Opreational Research》,Vol.27(2), 2010 (SCI检索国际期刊)
2.Y.Wang, L.Y.Wu,张继红,Z.W.Zan, X.S.Zhang and L.N.Chen, Evaluating protein similarity from coarse structures. 《IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics》, Vol.6(4):583-594, 2009 (SCI、EI检索).
3.张继红, L.Y.Wu, J.Chen and X.S.Zhang, A Fast Haplotype Inference Method for Large Population Genotype Data, 《Computational Statistics and Data Analysis》, Vol.52(11): 4891-4902, 2008 (SCI检索).
4.张继红, L.Y.Wu , An optimization approach to the reconstruction of PSBH with errors, 《European Journal of Operational Research》,Vol.182:413-427,2007 (SCI、EI检索).
5.Y.Y.Zhao,L.Y.Wu, 张继红and X.S.Zhang , The SNPs haplotype assembly problem of a single individual.《Computational Biology and Chemistry》, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 281-287, 2005 (SCI、EI检索).
6.张继红, L.Y.Wu and X.S.Zhang , Reconstruction of DNA Sequencing by Hybridization , 《Bioinformatics》,vol:19 ,No:1, pp14-21, 2003(SCI检索).
7.C.Xin, X.S.Ding, 张继红,Certainty Equivalent in Portfolio Management,《Lecture Notes in Operations Research》,Vol.10: 115-123, World Publishing Corporation, 2009(ISTP检索)
8.张继红, L.Wang, Simpson’s rule based FFT method to compute densities of stable distribution, 《Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Optimization and Systems Biology》(ISTP检索.,Vol.7:381–388,2008.
9.X.S. Ding,张继红,Disjoint Multi-linear Optimization in Imprecise Decision
Analysis,《Lecture Notes in Operations Research》,Vol.8: pp461-466, World Publishing Corporation, 2008(ISTP检索)
10.张继红, J.Chen, Y.N.Wu and X.S.Zhang, A Stochastic Inventory Placement problem for a Multi- echelon Seasonal Product Supply Chain with Multiple Retailers. 《Lecture Notes in Operations Research》,Vol.6: pp247-257, World Publishing Corporation, 2006(ISTP检索).
11.张继红, L.Y.Wu, J.Chen and X.S.Zhang, A New Statistical Method for Haplotype Inference from Genotype Data.《Proceedings of CASB 2006》, pp.7-13, Dallas, Texas, USA , 2006.11.
12.张继红,郭世贞,方差分析平方和分解分析方法的一种新形式――数理统计方差分析教学的新方法,《数学的认识与实践》,Vol.38(2),150-156, 2008.
13.干晓蓉,张继红,一类易变质产品供应链联合定价和库存管理的平均收益准则模型,《未来与发展》(CSSCI), Vol:58(5),62-65. 2007.
14.郭世贞,张继红,常系数非齐次线性微分方程特解的一种公式化解法 -- 高等数学中微分方程教学方法的一种新尝试,《大学数学》,vol.21,No.5:109-111,2005.
15.张继红,吴凌云,允许长度估计误差的SBH最优重构问题及其算法,《应用数学学报》,28(3):368-380, 2005.
16.张继红,郭世贞,非时齐部分可观察Markov决策规划的最优策略问题,《运筹学学报》, vol.18.,No.2, pp81-88, 2004.
17.章祥荪,张继红,吴凌云,杂交测序中的组合优化问题及其计算方法,《系统科学与数学》,Vol:22,No.3, pp258-269, 2002
18.C.B.Wu and 张继红, Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes with Unbounded Rewards under Discounted Criterion, 《应用概率统计》, vol:13(1):1-10,1997.
19.张继红, 《信贷资产组合管理》,译著,人民大学出版社,2006.
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