姓 名:李晓宇 性 别:男 职 称:副教授
电 话:*********** 电子邮件: iexyli@zzu.edu.cn 所在专业:计算机软件与理论
通信地址:郑州大学信息工程学院计算机软件 研究方向:量子计算与量子信息,移动计算
1.Xiaoyu Li, “Aymmetrical Quantum Key Distribution Protocol”, International Journal of Modern Physics C,2002, Vol 13, No.10.(SCI)
2.Xiaoyu Li, “Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Scheme using the Bell State Measurement”, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2003, Vol 14, No. 6.(SCI)
3.Xiaoyu Li, H. Branum, “Quantum Authentication using Entangled States”, International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science, 2004, Vol.15, No.4.(SCI)
4.Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang, “A quantum authentication protocol using entangled states as authentication key”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 2006, Vol 5,No. 5.(EI)
5.Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang,”Quantum Information authentication using Entangled States”, International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, 2006.(EI)
6.Xiaoyu Li, Liju Chen, “Quantum authentication using orthogonal product states”, The first Internation Symposium on Data,Privacy,& E-Commerce, 2007.(EI)
7.Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang, “Quantum determined key distribution scheme using the Bell state measurement”, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society,2009, Vol 1.(EI)
8.Xiaoyu Li, Nianqing Wnag, Dexi Zhang, “Quantum determined key distribution scheme using quantum teleportation”, WRI World Congress on Software Engineering, WCSE 2009, v 1, p 431-434, 2009(EI).
9.Xiaoyu Li, Junxia Ma, “Information delay protocol using quantum teleportation”, 5th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2009, v 6, p 523-527, 2009(EI).
10.Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang, “Multiparty information delay protocol using open-destination teleportation”, International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, v 2, p 115-118, 2009(EI).
11.Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang, “Multiparty quantum determined key distribution protocol using GHZ states”, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, ICNDS 2010, v 1, p 203-206,2010(EI).
12.Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang, “Information delay protocol using quantum entangled states”, Advanced Materials Research, v 204-210, p 1274-1278, 2011(EI).
13.Xiaoyu Li, Leisheng Zhao, “Determined key distribution protocol using non-orthogonal quantum states”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 157-158, p 628-631, 2012(EI).
14.Dexi Zhang, Xiaoyu Li, “A quantum information hiding scheme using orthogonal product states”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 2007, Vol 6, No.5.(EI)
15.Dexi Zhang, Xiaoyu Li, “Quantum authentication using orthogonal product states”, The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation,2007,Vol 4.(EI)
16.Qiuyu Zhao, Xiaoyu Li, Dexi Zhang, “Multiparty quantum determined key distribution protocol using open-destination teleportation”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 29-32, p 2580-2584, 2010(EI).
17.张德喜,赵秋宇,李晓宇,”利用贝尔测量的高效量子密钥分配协议”,电子科技大学学报,2007,Vol 35, No.6.(EI)
18.赵秋宇,张德喜,李晓宇,” 利用正交直积态的量子密钥分配协议”,电子科技大学学报,2008,Vol 37, No.3.(EI)
19.张德喜,李晓宇,” 绝对信息量不完备信息系统的数据补齐算法”,计算机工程与应用,2006,Vol 43, No. 22.
20.范俊,李晓宇,“移动数据库在Ad hoc网中的应用”.计算机工程,2012,38(18)。
1. 张德喜,周予生主编,副主编李晓宇等,《MATLAB语言程序设计教程》,中国铁道出版社,2006。
2.《MATLAB语言程序设计教程》第二版,张德喜主编,中国铁道出版社,2010年,ISBN 711311716. 李晓宇,副主编。
3.《C/C++程序设计教程.面向对象分册》(第2版)郑秋生主编,李晓宇等副主编 电子工业出版社。ISBN编号:9787121154898,2012年。
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