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  导师姓名 顾伯洪
  导师性别 男
  职务职称 教授
  所在院系 纺织学院
  所属学科 纺织材料与纺织品设计
  研究方向 1.纺织结构复合材料冲击动力学
  联系电话 *************
  电子邮箱 gubohong@126.com

  近5年中,以第一作者和通讯作者身份,共发表学术论文55篇。检索ISI Web of Science?数据库和Ei Village 2(Ei Compendex? Web)数据库,统计到2008年12月,被SCI收录30+6*篇(*表示已被SCI源刊接受发表,尚未摘引),EI收录38篇。包括在《哲学杂志》Philosophical Magazine上发表2篇,AIAA Journal 2篇,Composites(Part A) 2篇,Composites(Part B) 2篇,Journal of Composite Materials 5篇(该期刊上发表第一作者或通讯作者论文最多的中国大陆学者)等。2005年在复合材料力学创始者、美国工程院院士、美国斯坦福大学航空航天系Stephen W.Tsai教授的结构和复合材料实验室研究旋翼飞机复合材料结构坠落破坏和吸能。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,教育部科学研究重大项目1项,2003年起担任《复合材料学报》编委,中国复合材料学会理事,2005年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,2006年入选上海市曙光学者计划,2007 年获宝钢教育基金会优秀教师奖。

  1.Hao AY,Sun BZ,Qiu YP,Gu BH*.Dynamic properties of 3-D orthogonal woven composite T-beam under transverse impact.Composites Part A,2008,39(7):1073-1082
  2.Sun B,Pan N,Gu B*.3-D textile structural composites under high strain rate compression:Z-transform and discrete frequency-domain analysis.Philosophical Magazine,2007,87(34):5461-5484
  3.Gu B.A microstructure model for finite element simulation of 3-D 4-step rectangular braided composite under ballistic penetration.Philosophical Magazine,2007,87(30):4643-4669
  4.Lv LH,Gu BH*.Transverse impact damage and energy absorption of 3-D orthogonal hybrid woven composite:Experimental and FEM simulation.Journal of Composite Materials 2008,42(17):1763-1786
  5.Gu BH*,Chang FK.Energy absorption features of 3-D braided rectangular composite under different strain rates compressive loading.Aerospace Science and Technology 2007,11(7-8):535-545
  6.Sun BZ,Gu BH*.High strain rate behavior of 4-step 3-D braided composites under compressive failure.Journal of Materials Science 2007,42(7):2463-2470
  7.Sun BZ,Gu BH*.Frequency analysis of stress waves in testing 3-D angle-interlock woven composite at high strain rates.Journal of Composite Materials 2008,41(24):2915-2938
  8.Lian J,Gu BH*.Ballistic impact simulation of 3-D rectangular braided composite struck by steel projectile at microstructure level.International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2006 7(3):313-316
  9.Gu BH.Ballistic penetration of conically cylindrical steel projectile into plain-woven fabric target - A finite element simulation.Journal of Composite Materials,2004,38(22):2049-2074
  10.Gu BH.Analytical modeling for the ballistic perforation of planar plain-woven fabric target by projectile.Composites Part B,2003,34(4):361-371







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