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  1993 英国兰卡斯特大学 金融学博士
  1988 阿斯顿大学 工商管理专业硕士
  1985 北京大学 地球物理学学士

  1991--1993 英国Warwick大学 商学院研究员(Research Fellow)
  1993--1998 英国Manchester大学 会计与金融系讲师和高级讲师;
  1998--1999 英国Bank of England 货币政策局金融经济学家;
  1999--2002 英国Lancaster大学 管理学院高级讲师和讲座教授。

  1.The Dynamics of International Equity Market Expectations (Co-authored with Michael J.Brennan, H. Henry Cao, Norman Strong), Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming
  2.Forecasting FX Volatility: Inplied Volatilities versus AR(FI)MA Models, Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming. (Co-authored with S.Pong, M.Shackleton, and S. Taylor)
  3.CAPM, Higher Co-moment and Factor Models of UK Stock Returns, 2004, Journal of Bussiness Finance and Accounting, March. (Co-authored with D.Hung and M. Shackleton)
  4.Post-Earning-Announcement Drift in the UK, 2003, European Financial Management, 9(1), 89-116. (Co-authored with W.Liu and N.Strong)
  5.Understanding the Equity Home Bias:The Evidence from the Survey Data, 2003, Review of Economics and Statistics, May, 307-312.(Co-authored with N.Strong)
  6.Pricing FTSE 100 Index Options under Stochastic Volatility, 2001, Journal of Futures Markets, 21, 197-211. (Co-authored with Y. Lin and N. Strong)
  7.The Profitability of Momentum Investing, 1999, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 26, 1043-1091. (Co-authored with W. Liu and N. Strong)
  8.Do S&P 500 Index Options Violate Martingale Restriction?, 1999, Journal of Futures Markets, 15(5), 499-521. (Co-authored with N. Strong)
  9.The Incremental Volatility Information in One Million Foreign Exchange Quotations, 1997, Journal of Empirical Finance, 4(4), 317-340. (Co-authored with S. Taylor)
  10.Explaining the Cross-section of UK Expected Stock Returns, 1997, British Accounting Review, 29(1), 1-23. (Co-authored with N. Strong)
  11.Conditional Volatility and the Informational Efficiency of PHLX currency Options Markets, 1995, Journal of Banking and Finance, 19(4), 803-821. (Co-authored with S. Taylor)
  12.The Term Structure of Volatility Implied by Foreign Exchange Options, 1994, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 29(1), 57-74. (Co-authored with S. Taylor)
  13.The Magnitude of Implied Volatility Smiles: Theory and Empirical Evidence for Exchange Rates, 1994, Review of Futures Markets, 13(2), 355-380. (Co-authored with S. Taylor)

  2009-2010 研究生金融学概论
  2008-2009 本科生国际财务管理
  2007-2008 研究生公司财务专题






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