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  姓名:黄方军  性别:男  职称:副教授  
  学院:信息科学与技术学院  最后学历:博士


  研究领域为多媒体信息安全。近年来,已在Springer出版社出版与图像隐写安全相关的图书章节一部,在本领域国际顶级期刊IEEE Trans.Information Forensics and Security以及其它权威期刊IET Information Security、Science in China Series F: Information Sciences等发表学术论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点基金及多项应用课题的研究。





3) 信息安全国家重点实验室开放基金(04-06-4),2011.1-2012.12
4) 教育部博士点新教师基金(20070558054),2008.1-2010.12


Book chapter:

Fangjun Huang, Bin Li, Y. Q. Shi, Jiwu Huang, Guorong Xuan, “Image Steganalysis”, Intelligent Multimedia Analysis for Security Applications, (Ed. Husrev Taha Sencar), Chapter 3, Mar. 2010, Springer Publisher.

Journal papers:

[1]Fangjun Huang, Jiwu Huang, Yun Q. Shi, "New Channel Selection Rule for JPEG Steganography", IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2012, 7(4). 1181-1191. (SCI)

[2]Fangjun Huang, Jiwu Huang, Yun Q. Shi, "Detecting double JPEG compression with the same quantization matrix", IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2010, 5(4): 478-486. (SCI)

[3]Fangjun Huang,Jiwu Huang, Yun Q. Shi, "An experimental study on the security performance of YASS", IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2010, 5(3): 374-380. (SCI)

[4]Weiqi Luo, Fangjun Huang,Jiwu Huang, "Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited", IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2010, 5(2): 201-214. (SCI)

[5]Fangjun Huang, Weiqi Luo, Jiwu Huang, “Steganalysis of JPEG steganography with complementary embedding strategy”, IET Information Security, 2011, 5(1): 10-18. (SCI)

[6]Fangjun Huang, Jiwu Huang, Yun Q. Shi“Frequency Selective JPEG Steganography”, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, to appear. (SCI)

[7] Fangjun Huang, Jiwu Huang, “Calibration based universal JPEG steganalysis”, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 2009, 52(2): 260-268. (SCI)

[8]WeiqiLuo, Fangjun Huang, JiwuHuang, “A more secure steganography based on adaptive pixel-value differencing scheme”, Multimed Tools Applications, Published online: Jan. 9, 2010. (SCI)

[9]Fangjun Huang and Z.-H Guan, “Cryptosystem using chaotic keys”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2005, 23(3): 851-855. (SCI)

[10]Fangjun Huang and Z.-H Guan, “A modified method of a class of recently presented cryptosystems”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2005, 23(5): 1893-1899. (SCI)

[11]Fangjun Huang and Z.-H Guan, “A hybrid SVD-DCT watermarking method based on LPSNR”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2004, 25(15): 1769-1775. (SCI)

[12]Z.-H Guan and Fangjun Huang, “A General Chaos Based Key Stream Generator”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2005, 24(5): 549-555. (SCI)

[13]Z.-H Guan, Fangjun Huang and Wenjie Guan, “Chaos-based image encryption algorithm”, Physics Letters A, 2005, 346: 153-157. (SCI)


Conference Papers
[1]Fangjun Huang, Yun Q. Shi, Jiwu Huang, “New JPEG steganographic scheme with high security performance”, Proc.9th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, October 1–3, 2010, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

[2]Fangjun Huang, Yun Q. Shi, Jiwu Huang, “A study on security performance of YASS”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, October 12–15, 2008, San Diego, California, U.S.A. (EI)

[3]Fangjun Huang, Bin Li, Jiwu Huang, “Universal JPEG Steganalysis based on microscopic and macroscopic calibration”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, October 12–15, 2008, San Diego, California, U.S.A. (EI)

[4] Fangjun Huang, Bin Li, Jiwu Huang, “Attack LSB matching steganography by counting alteration rate of the number of neighbourhood gray levels”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, September 16-19, 2007, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. (EI)

[5] Bin Li, Fangjun Huang, Jiwu Huang, “Steganalysis of LSB Greedy Embedding Algorithm for JPEG Images Using Coefficient Symmetry”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, September 16-19, 2007, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. (EI)

[6]Bin Li, Fangjun Huang, Shunquan Tan, Jiwu Huang and Yun Q. Shi, “Effect of coding pattern on compress domain based universal JPEG steganalysis”,6th International workshop on digital watermarking, December 3-5, 2007, Guangzhou, China. (EI)







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