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  姓名:周先波  性别:男  出生年月:1965年
  职称:教授  学院:岭南学院  最后学历:经济学博士





2007,10-2008,4: 香港城市大学经济与金融系,Research Fellow
2010.7—2010.9, 香港城市大学经济与金融系,Research Fellow
2011,12-2012-1 日本明古屋大学 学术交流
2012-2-2012-6 美国麻省理工学院Sloan管理学院 访问进修


[1] Chen Songnian and Xianbo Zhou (2012), “Semiparametric Estimation of a Truncated Regression Model”, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 167, Issue 2, Pages 297-304. (SCI, SSCI)
[2] 周先波,“归并数据回归模型的半参数估计方法”,《系统工程理论与实践》,2012年第1期,第60-66页。
[3] 谢康,肖静华,周先波,乌家培,“中国工业化与信息化融合质量:理论与实证”,《经济研究》,2012年第1期,第4-16页。
[4] Chen Songnian and Xianbo Zhou (2011), “Semiparametric Estimation of a Bivariate Tobit Model”, the Journal of Econometric 165: 266-274. (SCI, SSCI)
[5] Zhou Xianbo,Kui-Wai Li and Qin Li (2011), “An Analysis on Technical Efficiency in Post-reform China”, China Economic Review, Volume 22, Issue 3. (SSCI)
[6] Zhou Xianbo and Li Kui-Wai (2011), “Inequality and Development: Evidence from Semiparametric Estimation with Panel Data”, Economics Letters, Vol. 113, Issue 3. (SSCI)
[7] Zhou Xianbo and Kui-Wai Li (2011), “The Impact of Openness and Domestic Performance on Growth using Nonparametric Estimation”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.18, Issue 11, 2011. (SSCI)
[8] Zhou Xianbo and Kui-Wai Li (2011), “The effects of openness and indigeneity on Growth: Evidence from nonparametric panel data model with two-way random effect”, 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE2011-Proceedings, Shanghai, 2011. (EI)
[9] Wong Anson and Xianbo Zhou (2011), “Development of Financial Market and Economic Growth: Review of Hong Kong, China, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.3, No.2, May 2011.
[10] Zhou Xianbo and Tian Fengping (2011), “A Comparative Study on the Health Care and Medical Service Consumption of Urban and Rural Households in China”, Journal of Economic Studies, Issue 1.
[11] Li Kui-Wai and Xianbo Zhou (2010),“Openness, domestic performance and growth”, Economics Letters 107. (SSCI)
[12] Zhou Xianbo and Kui-Wai Li (2010), “Causality between openness and indigenous factors among world economies”, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Vol.7, Issue 2.





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