
姓名:古梅西 性别:男 职称:教科研博士后 学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:博士后 Educ
姓名:古梅西 性别:男 职称:教科研博士后
学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:博士后
MS: University of Jena, Germany in (theoretical) Physics, thesis “Considerations about Algebroid motivated Sigma Models” (Oct 2004)
PhD: Pennsylvania State University, USA in (pure) Mathematics, thesis “Courant algebroids; cohomology and matched pairs” (Dec 2009), math.DG/1004.1487
Reseach Area(s):
- Lie and Courant algebroids and beyond,
- Lie groupoids and gerbes,
- related quantum field theory,
- Poisson and symplectic geometry
- M. Grützmann, G. Ginot: Cohomology of regular Courant algebroids, Journ. of Sympl. Geom. (2009) vol. 7/3, pp. 311-335, math.DG/0805.3405
- M. Grützmann, M. Stiénon: Matched Pairs of Courant algebroids, work in progress
- M. Grützmann: H-twisted Lie algebroids, final preparations.
- M. Grützmann, T. Strobl: General Yang-Mills type gauge theories for p-form gauge fields : A physics approach, work in progress
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