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  姓名:冼军  性别:男  职称:副教授  
  学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:理学博士


Current Correspondence:
Jun Xian
Department of Mathematics,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, P. R. China, 510275
E-mail: xianjun@mail.sysu.edu.cn

Feb. 2009-Feb. 2010: Visiting Professor, Yale University, USA
Jul. 2010-Sep. 2010: Visiting Professor, Alberta University, Canada
Sep. 2006-Now: Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Sep. 2004-Sep. 2006: Post-doctoral Fellow, Zhejiang University, China
Oct. 2005-Aug. 2006: Senior Research Assistant, City University of Hong Kong, China 教育背景:2004年毕业于广州中山大学获博士学位,2006年浙江大学数学博士后流动站出站。



My research interests have been/is focused around the following topics:
· · Harmonic Analysis and its Application

· · Irregular Sampling Theory and Application
· · Signal Processing


1、M. Z. Nashed, Q. Sun and J. Xian, Convolution sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspace, to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society(通讯作者)

2、Xian, Jun and Li, Song, Improved Sampling and Reconstruction in Spline Subspaces, to appear in ACTA Math. Appl. Sinica.
3、Xian, Jun, Local Sampling Set Conditions in Weighted Shift-invariant Signal Spaces, Applicable Analysis, 91(3)(2012)447-457
4、Xian, Jun, Error Estimates from Noise Samples for Iterative Algorithm in Shift-invariant Signal Spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2010, Article ID 214213.
5、Xian, Jun and Sun, Wenchang, Local Sampling and Reconstruction in Shift-invariant Spaces and Their Applications in Spline Subspaces, Numer. Func. Anal. Optim, 31(3) (2010) 366-386.
6、Xian, Jun,Weighted sampling and reconstruction in weighted reproducing kernel spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 367(1)(2010) 34-42
7、Xian, Jun; Li, Song: General A-P Iterative Algorithm in Shift-invariant Spaces , Acta Math Sinica, English series, 25(4)(2009) 545-552
8、Liew, AWC; Xian, Jun; et al,: Spectral estimation in unevenly sampled space of periodically expressed microarray time series data, BMC Bioinformatics, 8 (2007)137
9、Li, Song; Xian, Jun: Biorthogonal multiple wavelets generated by vector refinement equation. Sci. China Ser. A 50 (2007), no. 7, 1015--1025
10、Xian, Jun; Li, Song: Sampling set conditions in weighted multiply generated shift-invariant spaces and their applications. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 23 (2007), no. 2, 171--180.
11、Xian, Jun; Luo, Shiping; Lin, Wei: Weighted sampling and signal reconstruction in spline subspaces, Signal Processing, 86 (2006), no. 2, 331-340
12、Xian, Jun; Lin, Wei: Sampling and reconstruction in time-warped spaces and their applications. Appl. Math. Comput. 157 (2004), no. 1, 153-173.






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